ブライアン・エヴンソン(Brian Evenson、1966年8月12日 - )はアメリカの作家。
モルモン教系のブリガム・ヤング大学で教職に就き、妻も信者だったが、1994年に発表したデビュー作「Altmann's Tongue」が冒涜的であるとして、2001年に破門、離婚して職も失う。
“Two Brothers”(1998)、「マダー・タング」(2007)、「ウインドアイ」(2011)でオー・ヘンリー賞を計3度受賞。
- 『ウインドアイ』柴田元幸 訳、新潮社、新潮クレスト・ブックス、2016年11月
Works of fiction
- Altmann's Tongue (1994, Knopf; Bison Books reprint 2002)
- Din of Celestial Birds (1997)
- Prophets and Brothers (1997)
- Father of Lies (1998)
- Contagion (2000)
- Dark Property (2002)
- The Wavering Knife: Stories (2004)
- The Open Curtain (2006; Coffee House Press reprint 2016)
- Aliens: No Exit (2008) as B. K. Evenson
- BABY LEG (2009) New York Tyrant Press
- Last Days (2009, Underland Press' debut novel, expanded from The Brotherhood of Mutilation; Coffee House Books reprint 2016)
- Fugue State: Stories (2009, Coffee House Press; with illustrations by Zak Sally)
- Dead Space: Martyr as B. K. Evenson (2010, Tor)
- Immobility (2012, Tor Books)
- Windeye: Stories (2012)
- Dead Space: Catalyst as B. K. Evenson (October 2012)
- The Lords of Salem as B. K. Evenson, with Rob Zombie (March 2013)
- A Collapse of Horses: Stories (2016)
- The Warren (2016, Tor)
- Feral, as B.K. Evenson, with James Demonaco (2017, Anchor)
- The Deaths of Henry King, with Jesse Ball and Lilli Carré (2017, Uncivilized Books)
- "Gatekeeper" (short story), Whose Future is It?, chapter 2 (2018)[7]
- "Abomata" (short story), Whose Future is It?, chapter 6 (2018)[7]
- "Wanderers After The Light" (short story), Whose Future is It?, chapter 12 (2018)[7]
- Song for the Unraveling of the World (2019, Coffee House Press)
- The Glassy, Burning Floor of Hell: Stories (2021, Coffee House Press)
Works of non-fiction
- Understanding Robert Coover (2003)
- Ed Vs. Yummy Fur (or, What Happens When a Serial Comic Becomes a Graphic Novel) (2014)
- Raymond Carver's What We Talk About When We Talk About Love (2018)
- Reports (Chapbook, 2018)