Même si les blessures saignent, et si la voix se brise,
Plus haut que la tourmente, plus fort que les canons,
Même si les blessures saignent, même si le coeur se brise,
Chantons l'espoir et la haise implacable,
Par ce beau soleil d'automne,
Et la fierté de rester charitables
Quand la Vengeance nous serait si bonne!
[l'orchestre jusqu'au fin]|
[voice alone]
Although our wounds may bleed,
Although our voices break,
Louder than the storm, louder than the guns,
Sing of the pride of our defeats
'Neath this bright Autumn sun,
And sing of the joy of honour
When cowardice might be so sweet.
[with the orchestra]
To the sound of the bugle, the sound of the drum,
On the ruins of Aerschot, of Dinant, and Termonde,
Dance, Belgians, dance,
And our glory sing,
Although our eyes may burn,
Although our brain may turn,
Join in the ring!
With branches of beech, of flaming beech,
To the sound of the drum,
We'll cover the graves of our children.
We'll choose a daylike this
When the poplars tremble softly
In the breeze,
And all the woods are scented
With the smell of dying leaves,
That they may bear with them beyond
The perfume of our land.
[with the orchestra]
We'll ask the earth they loved so well,
To rock them in her great arms,
To warm them on her mighty breast,
And send them dreams of other fights,
Retaking Liège, Malines,
Brussels, Louvain, and Namur,
And of their triumphant entry, at last,
In Berlin!
Sing, Belgians, Sing!
Although our wounds may bleed, although our voices break,
Louder than the storm, louder than the guns,
Although our wounds may bleed, although our hearts may break,
Sing of hope and fiercest hate,
'Neath this bright Autumn sun.
Sing of the pride of charity
When vengeance would be so sweet.
[orchestra to end]
^カルロ・リテンは1879年、アントウェルペンの生まれ。父はベルギー人、母はイタリア人だった。優れた舞台俳優、朗誦者であった彼は当時ヨーロッパとアメリカで広く知られた存在だった。エルガーの『カリヨン』、『ベルギーの旗』、『砂漠での声』で朗誦を務めている。第一次世界大戦後は3つの映画『The Strongest』(1920年)、『L'Affaire du train』(1921年)、『The Mysteries of Paris』(1922年)に出演する。ロンドンのSaturday Review紙の副編集者であったジョン・パーマーはリテンが「存命の人物の記憶の中で最高の素晴らしい声を持っている。(中略)響き、訴求力、魅力の点で私がこれまでに知る俳優の中で最も優れている。洗練された知性に裏付けられた身振りと表現力がこれに加わり、我々は類稀なる個性を目にすることになるのである」
^世界を代表する者たちからの、ベルギーの王と人民への贈り物。("A tribute to the Belgian King and people from representative men and women throughout the world")
Caine, Hall (ed.), King Albert's Book, a Tribute to the Belgian King and People from representative men and women throughout the World (The Daily Telegraph, in conjunction with The Daily Sketch, The Glasgow Herald and Hodder & Stoughton, Christmas 1914) "Sold in aid of the Daily Telegraph Belgian Fund."
Banfield, Stephen, Sensibility and English Song: Critical studies of the early 20th century (Cambridge University Press, 1985) ISBN 0-521-37944-X
Burley, Rosa; Frank C. Carruthers (1972). Edward Elgar: the record of a friendship. London: Barrie & Jenkins Ltd.. ISBN0-214-65410-9
Kennedy, Michael, Portrait of Elgar (Oxford University Press, 1968) ISBN 0-19-315414-5
Moore, Jerrold N. “Edward Elgar: a creative life” (Oxford University Press, 1984) ISBN 0-19-315447-1