




賛 否 得票数 得票率
可決 賛成 1,201,607 62.07%
反対 734,300 37.93%
総計 1,935,907 100.0%
有効票数(有効率) 1,935,907 99.29%
無効票数(無効率) 13,818 0.71%
投票者数(投票率) 1,949,725 60.52%
有権者数 3,221,681 100.0%



賛 否 得票数 得票率
否決 反対 1,412,602 73.06%
賛成 520,898 26.94%
総計 1,933,500 100.0%
有効票数(有効率) 1,933,500 99.18%
無効票数(無効率) 15,938 0.82%
投票者数(投票率) 1,949,438 60.51%
有権者数 3,221,681 100.0%


  1. ^ “Ireland Sets Date For Same Sex Marriage Vote”. Sky News. (20 February 2015). http://news.sky.com/story/1430730/ireland-sets-date-for-same-sex-marriage-vote 
  2. ^ a b c “Wording of same-sex marriage referendum published”. アイルランド放送協会. (21 January 2015). http://www.rte.ie/news/2015/0121/674602-marriage-equality/ 26 January 2015閲覧。 
  3. ^ “Government to hold up to half a dozen referendums next year”. アイリッシュ・タイムズ. (14 August 2014). http://www.irishtimes.com/news/politics/government-to-hold-up-to-half-a-dozen-referendums-next-year-1.1896357 16 December 2014閲覧。 
  4. ^ Collins, Stephen (15 January 2015). “Coalition abandons plan for poll on younger voting age”. アイリッシュ・タイムズ. http://www.irishtimes.com/news/politics/coalition-abandons-plan-for-poll-on-younger-voting-age-1.2066152 27 January 2015閲覧。 
  5. ^ “Wording of same-sex marriage referendum published”. アイルランド放送協会. (21 January 2015). http://www.rte.ie/news/2015/0121/674602-marriage-equality/ 
  6. ^ Sheahan, Fionnan (5 November 2013). “Government to call for Yes vote for gay marriage”. アイリッシュ・インデペンデント. http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/government-to-call-for-yes-vote-for-gay-marriage-29728937.html 6 November 2013閲覧。 
  7. ^ “Fine Gael will take stance on gay marriage, says Kenny”. アイリッシュ・インデペンデント. (10 February 2014). http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/fine-gael-will-take-stance-on-gay-marriage-says-kenny-29994343.html 
  8. ^ “Fine Gael says ‘yes’ to same-sex marriage but ‘no’ to legalising cannabis”. TheJournal.ie. (1 March 2014). http://www.thejournal.ie/alan-shatter-fine-gael-cannabis-same-sex-marriage-1339638-Mar2014/ 
  9. ^ “Results received at the Central Count Centre for the referendum on the Thirty-fourth Amendment of the Constitution (Marriage Equality) Bill 2015.”. Referendum Ireland. (23 May 2015). オリジナルの9 August 2015時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20150809115721/http://www.referendum.ie/results.php?ref=10 
  10. ^ Referendum Results 1937–2015. 2020年6月17日閲覧。