もっとも、「アメリカの一部の州の憲法では、増補方式によるべき旨等を定めるものもある」とする主張――例えば、杉山恵一郎 1963, p. 111は、そのような例として、「ミズーリ州憲法第三条第二八節[23]は、「如何なる法律も、語句の削除又は挿入を規定することにより改正すべきではなく、削除又は挿入されるべき語句、削除後その代わりに挿入されるべき語句を、改正法律又はその節と共に、改正全文として提示すべきである。」と規定し」ていることを挙げる――については、実際には、全文改め方式によるべきことを定めた条文と解されている点[24]に留意が必要である。
The Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-six, is established as the day, in each of the States and Territories of the United States, for the election of Representatives and Delegates to the Forty-fifth Congress; and the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, in every second year thereafter, is established as the day for the election, in each of said States and Territories, of Representatives and Delegates to the Congress commencing on the fourth day of March next thereafter. — Revised Statutes §25
That section twenty-five of the Revised Statutes prescribing the time for holding elections for Representatives to Congress, is hereby modified so as not to apply to any State that has not yet changed its day of election, and whose constitution must be amended in order to effect a change in the day of the election of State officers in said State. — Mar. 3, 1875, ch. 130, §6, 18 Stat. 400
The Tuesday next after the 1st Monday in November, in every even numbered year, is established as the day for the election, in each of the States and Territories of the United States, of Representatives and Delegates to the Congress commencing on the 4th day of March next thereafter. This section shall not apply to any State that has not yet changed its day of election, and whose constitution must be ammended in order to effect a change in the day of the election of State officers in said State. (R.S. §25; Mar. 3, 1875, e. 130, §6, 18 Stat. 400.) — Chapter 1 of title 2, United States Code (1925)
The Tuesday next after the 1st Monday in November, in every even numbered year, is established as the day for the election, in each of the States and Territories of the United States, of Representatives and Delegates to the Congress commencing on the 3d day of January next thereafter. (R.S. §25; Mar. 3, 1875, ch. 130, §6, 18 Stat. 400; June 5, 1934, ch. 390, §2, 48 Stat. 879.) — Chapter 1 of title 2, United States Code (2018)
なお、憲法改正方法については、歴史に責任を持つためにも本文は残し不足部分をこれに加えるというに注目してほしいとの意見アメリカのアメンドメント方式(増加型改正)に関して、・現行憲法を維持しつつ新しい条文を書き加え補強していく加憲方式は、以下の理由から極めて現実的な方法、①現行憲法が優れた憲法で、広く国民の間に定着し、積極的に評価されているとの基本認識がある、②アメンドメント方式の米国や人権宣言が今も有効であるフランスなど時代状況に合わせて憲法を補強していく国が少なくない、③96条2項の「この憲法と一体を成すものとして」公布するとの表現は米国式の加憲のニュアンスが出ており「改正」の英訳もアメンドメントであり、米、国的な増加型改正が基本と指摘する学者もいる、などの意見が出された。(参議院憲法調査会 2005, p. 216)
^もっとも、「アメリカでは、・・・既存の法律と類似内容を取り扱った法案が別法律として成立する事例が多数見られ、完全に改め文方式であるともいえない」(高橋康文 2020a, p. 41)という。
Section 28. Form of reviving, reenacting and amending bills.—No act shall be revived or reenacted unless it shall be set forth at length as if it were an original act. No act shall be amended by providing that words be stricken out or inserted, but the words to be stricken out, or the words to be inserted, or the words to be stricken out and those inserted in lieu thereof, together with the act or section amended, shall be set forth in full as amended. — CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI
Section 25 of the Revised Statutes (U.S.C., title 2, sec. 7) is hereby amended by striking out the words "fourth day of March" and inserting in lieu thereof "3d day of January". — June 5, 1934, ch. 390, §2, 48 Stat. 879