

ジェイコブ・ゴーディンヤコブ・ゴルディン(Jacob Gordin (Gordon), Яков Михайлович Гордин, Jakov Michajlovič Gordin, 1853年5月1日 ポルタヴァ県ミルホロト Mirgorod (Myrhorod) - 1909年6月11日 ニューヨーク)は、ウクライナ出身のアメリカで活躍したイディッシュ語劇作家。30以上の作品を作り、ニューヨーク市で上演された。



  • Siberia (1891) (『シベリア』)
  • Der pogrom in rusland (1892)(『ロシアのポグロム』)
  • Tsvey veltn, oder Der groyser sotsialist (1892 [B. Gorin説]; 1896 [Z. Zylbercweig説])(『二つの世界、または偉大な社会主義者』)
  • Der yidisher kenig lir (1892)(『ユダヤのリア王』)
  • Der vilder mentsh (1893)(『野生の男』)
  • Captain Dreyfus; Pogrom (1893) (『ドレフュス大尉:ポグロム』)
  • Di litvishe brider lurie (1894)(『リトアニアのルリー兄弟』)
  • Zelig itzik, der fidlerシラーの『たくらみと恋』の翻案)
  • Der folks faynd (1896)(『人民の敵』、イプセンの翻案)
  • Medea: a historishe tragedye (1897以前)(フランツ・グリルパルツァー作品の翻案)
  • Mirele Efros, oder di yidishe kenigin lir (1898)(『ミレル・エフロス、またはユダヤのリア王妃』)
  • Di shkhite (1899)(『屠殺』)
  • Shloime khokhem (1899-1900)(『賢者ソロモン』)
  • Di shvue (1900)(『誓い』)
  • Got, mentsh un tayvl (1900)(『神、人、悪魔』)
  • Safo (1900)(『サッフォー』)
  • Der momzer (1901)(『私生児』ヴィクトル・ユーゴーの『ルクレツィア・ボルジア』の翻案)
  • Di makht fun finsternish (1905 [Gorin説])(レフ・トルストイ『闇の力』(1902年)の翻案)
  • Di Kreytser sonata (1902)(トルストイ『クロイツェル・ソナタ』の翻案)
  • Khasye di yesoyme (1903)
  • Der emes or Die varhayt (1903)(『真実』)
  • Ta'ares-hamishpokhe (1904)(『家族の純潔』)
  • Di emese kraft (1904)(『真の力』)
  • Tkhies-hamey (1904)(トルストイ『復活』の翻案)
  • Elisha Ben Abuyah (1906)(『エリシャ・ベン・アブヤー』)
  • Der unbekanter (1905)(『よそ者』)
  • Der meturef (1905)(『役立たず』)
  • Der fremder (1906)(『異邦人』)
  • On a heym (1907)(『宿無し』)
  • Di sheyne Miryam (1908以前)
  • Dementia Americana (1908以前)
  • Dovid'l meshoyrer ('1911以前)(『聖歌隊のダビッド』)


  • —, "Jacob Gordin", in The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21). VOLUME XVIII. Later National Literature, Part III. XXXI. Non-English Writings I. § 52.
  • —, Partial list of plays on 4-wall.com. Probably more reliable for names of plays than for specific dates.
  • —, Harvard Yiddish Index, useful for some titles and dates. Their dates appear to be publication dates, which may have considerably lagged first performance, so they are listed above as "no later than..."
  • ジェイコブ・アドラー Adler, Jacob, A Life on the Stage: A Memoir, translated and with commentary by Lulla Rosenfeld, Knopf, New York, 1999, ISBN 0679413510. This is probably the most reliable for English-language titles of some of Gordin's plays.
  • イスライル・ベルコヴィチ Bercovici, Israil, O sută de ani de teatru evreiesc în România ("One hundred years of Yiddish/Jewish theater in Romania"), 2nd Romanian-language edition, revised and augmented by Constantin Măciucă. Editura Integral (an imprint of Editurile Universala), Bucharest (1998). ISBN 9739827225. 98.
  • ルラ・ローゼンフェルド Rosenfeld, Lulla, "The Yiddish", ニューヨーク・タイムズ, June 12, 1977, 205. This provides enormous detail on his start in New York theater with Adler and Mogulesko.
  • ザルメン・ジルベルツフェイク Zylbercweig, Zalmen, editor, "Gordin, Yankev", in "Leksikon fun idishn teater", vol. 1, Farlag "Elisheve", New York, 1931, pp. 392-461. This five volume encyclopedia on the Yiddish theatre is an essential reference source for information on actors, writers, and plays.