Johann Baptist Allgaier

Infobox orangJohann Baptist Allgaier

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Kelahiran19 Juni 1763 Edit nilai pada Wikidata
Bad Schussenried Edit nilai pada Wikidata
Kematian3 Januari 1823 Edit nilai pada Wikidata (59 tahun)
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Penyebab kematianEfusi pleura Edit nilai pada Wikidata
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Membela negara (untuk olahraga)Kekaisaran Austria
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Johann Baptist Allgaier (19 Juni 1763, Schussenried – 3 Januari 1823, Vienna) adalah seorang master catur dan teoritikus Jerman-Austria. Ia juga seorang penulis buku pegangan catur pertama dalam bahasa JermanNeue theoretisch-praktische Anweisung zum Schachspiel (Vienna 1795–96).[1]

Pengaruh pada catur

Gaya permainan

Erste Partie
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 d6 3.Bc4 f5 4.d4 fxe4 5.Nxe5 Nh6Templat:Chesspunc 6.Bxh6 dxe5 7.Qh5+ Kd7 8.Qf5+ Kc6 9.Qxe4+? [9.Qxe5Templat:Chesspunc gxh6? 10.Qb5+ Kd6 11.Qd5+ Ke7 12.Qe5+] 9...Kb6 10.Be3 exd4 11.Bxd4+ c5 12.Be3 Nc6 13.Nc3 a6 14.Nd5+ Ka7 15.b4 Bd6 16.bxc5 Qa5+ 17.c3? [17.Bd2!] 17...Bxc5 18.0-0 Bd7 19.Rab1 Rae8 20.Bxc5+ Qxc5 21.Qf4 Ne5 22.Bb3 Bc6 23.c4Templat:Chesspunc b5? [23...Rhf8] 24.Ne3 [24.cxb5! Bxd5 25.Rfc1] 24...g5 25.Qf6 Rhf8 26.Qh6 bxc4 27.Nxc4 Rxf2 28.Rxf2 Qxf2+ 29.Kxf2 Ng4+ 30.Kg3 Nxh6= 31.Rf1 Re2 32.Rf2 Nf5+? [32...Rxf2=] 33.Rxf5 Rxg2+ 34.Kh3 g4+ 35.Kh4 Bf3 36.Rf7+ Kb8 37.Ne5 Rxh2+ 38.Kg5 h6+ 39.Kf4 Rf2 40.Nxf3 Rxf3+ 41.Kxg4 Rxf7 42.Bxf7 Templat:ChessAN

Zweite Partie
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5 d5 5.exd5 Nxd5 6.Nxf7 Kxf7 7.Qf3+ Ke6 8.Nc3 Nce7 9.d4 c6 10.Bg5 h6 11.Bxe7 Bxe7 12.0-0-0? Bg5+ 13.Kb1 Rf8 14.Qe4 Rf4Templat:Chesspunc [14...Rf5? 15.Rhe1Templat:Chesspunc] 15.Qxe5+ Kf7 16.Nxd5 cxd5 17.Bxd5+ Kf8 18.Bb3 Rf5 19.Qe4 Qc7 [19...Qe8!=] 20.Qd3 [20.g4! Rxf2 21.Qh7+−] 20...h5 21.h4 Be7 22.f3 a5 23.a4 b5 24.g4 bxa4 25.Bxa4 Rf6 26.Rhe1 Rb8 27.g5? gives the f5-square to the black bishop [27.Re4= Rfb6 28.b3] 27...Rfb6 28.b3 g6 29.d5? Bf5 30.Rxe7 Qxe7 31.Qc3 Kg8 32.Kb2 Rc8 33.Bc6 Qd6 34.Re1 a4 35.Qa5 a3+ 36.Qxa3 Rbxc6 37.dxc6 Qxc6 38.c4 Ra8 39.Qe7 Qa6 40.Qe2 Qa3+ 41.Kc3 Qa5+ 42.Kb2 Qc5 43.Kc3 Qa5+ 44.Kb2 Qb4? [44...Qa3+ 45.Kc3 Rb8 46.Qd1 Qa5+ 47.Kb2 Rd8Templat:Chesspunc] 45.Ra1 [45.Qd1 Qa3+ 46.Kc3 Rb8 47.Re5! White is worse, but not immediately lost] 45...Rb8 46.Qe3 Qxc4 47.Rc1 Qxh4 48.Qd2 Be6 49.Rc3 Qb4 50.Qc2 Bf5 51.Qd2 Qb7 52.Qd6 Qb6 53.Qg3 Qb5 54.Qg2 Re8 55.Rc4 Bd3 56.Kc3 Bxc4 57.bxc4 Re3+ 58.Kd2 Qb2+ Templat:ChessAN

Dritte Partie
1.e4 e5 2.f4 d6 3.Nf3 Bg4 4.Bc4 Nf6 5.c3 Bxf3 6.Qxf3 Nc6 7.0-0 exf4 8.d4 g5 9.Bxf4! gxf4 10.Qxf4 Be7 11.e5 dxe5 12.dxe5 Qd7 13.exf6 Bc5+ 14.Kh1 0-0-0 15.b4 [15.Bxf7] 15...Bd6 16.Qf2 Kb8 17.Na3 Rhg8 18.Qf5 Qxf5 19.Rxf5 Ne5 20.Re1 Rg4 21.Bb3 Nd3 22.Ref1 Rh4 23.h3 Ne5 24.Nb5 a6 25.Nxd6 cxd6+− 26.Rd1 Kc7 27.Bd5 Rg8 28.Rd4 Rh6 29.a4 Rgg6 30.Rdf4 Rg3 31.Bf3? Nxf3 32.Rxf3 Rxf3 33.Rxf3 Kd7 34.Kh2 Ke6 35.Kg3? [35.Re3+ Kxf6 36.Re8 and 37.Rb8] 35...Rxf6 36.Rxf6+ Kxf6 37.Kf4 d5? 38.a5? [38.h4! h6 (38...Ke6 39.Kg5 Ke5 40.Kh6+−) 39.g4 b6 40.h5! b5 41.a5 Ke6 42.g5+−] 38...h6? [38...Ke6! 39.Kg5 Ke5 40.Kh6 Ke4=] 39.g3? [39.g4 like in the previous variation] 39...Ke6 40.h4 f5 41.Ke3 Ke5 42.h5 Ke6 43.Kd4 Kd6 44.c4 dxc4 45.Kxc4 Kc6 46.Kd4 Kb5Templat:Chesspunc [46...Kd6=] 47.Kc3?? [47.Ke5 Kxb4 48.Kxf5 Kxa5 49.g4 Kb5 50.g5 hxg5 51.h6+−] 47...b6 48.axb6 Kxb6 49.Kb3 Kb5 50.Kc3 Ka4?? [50...Kc6 51.Kc4 Kb6=] 51.Kc4 Ka3 52.b5 axb5+ 53.Kxb5 Kb3 54.Kc5 Kc3 55.Kd5 1–0

Vierte Partie
1.e4 e5 2.Bc4 c6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.d3 d5 5.exd5 cxd5 6.Bb5+ Nc6 7.Nf3 Bd6 8.Qe2Templat:Chesspunc 0-0 9.0-0? Nd4 10.Nxd4 exd4 11.Nd1 a6 [11...Qa5!] 12.Ba4 b5 13.Bb3 Re8 14.Qd2 Qe7 15.c3 dxc3?! [15...Qe5! 16.f4 Qh5] 16.Nxc3? d4 17.Nd5? Nxd5 18.Bxd5 Qe5 19.Bxf7+ Kxf7 20.f4 Qe3+ 21.Kh1 Bb7 22.Qc2 Qe2 23.Qb3+ Kf8 24.Rg1 Bxg2+ 0–1


  1. ^ W. Litmanowicz and J. Giżycki (1986, 1987). Szachy od A do Z. Wydawnictwo Sport i Turystyka Warszawa. ISBN 83-217-2481-7 (1. A-M), ISBN 83-217-2745-X (2. N-Z)