
embedded operating system (en) Fassara da free software (en) Fassara
Amfani home server (en) Fassara, embedded home server (en) Fassara da wireless router (en) Fassara
Motsi free software movement (en) Fassara
Ma'aikaci Debian (mul) Fassara
Platform (en) Fassara Wayar hannu mai shiga yanar gizo da Raspberry Pi (mul) Fassara
Input device (en) Fassara touchscreen (en) Fassara
Programmed in (en) Fassara Python programming language
Source code repository URL (en) Fassara
Issue tracker URL (en) Fassara
Software version identifier (en) Fassara 24.22, 0.6, 0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.10, 0.11, 20.0, 20.1, 20.2, 20.3, 20.4, 20.5, 20.6, 20.7, 20.8, 20.9, 20.10, 20.11, 20.12, 20.12.1, 20.13, 20.14, 20.14.1, 20.15, 20.16, 20.17, 20.18, 20.19, 20.20, 20.20.1, 20.21, 21.0, 21.1, 21.2, 21.3, 20.18.1, 20.17.1, 20.6.1, 20.5.1, 0.49.1, 21.4, 21.4.1, 21.4.2, 21.5, 21.6, 21.7, 21.8, 21.9, 21.10, 21.11, 21.12, 21.13, 21.14, 21.15, 21.16, 22.1, 22.2, 22.3, 22.4, 22.5, 22.6, 22.7, 22.8, 22.9, 22.10, 22.11, 22.12, 22.13, 22.14, 22.14.1, 22.15, 22.16, 22.17, 22.18, 22.19, 22.20, 22.21, 22.21.1, 22.22, 22.23, 22.24, 22.26, 22.27, 23.1, 23.2, 23.3, 23.4, 23.5, 23.6, 23.7, 23.6.1, 23.8, 23.6.2, 23.9, 23.10, 23.11, 23.12, 23.13, 23.14, 23.15, 23.16, 23.17, 23.18, 23.19, 23.20, 23.21, 24.1, 24.2, 24.3, 24.4, 24.5, 24.6, 24.7, 24.8, 24.9, 24.10, 24.11, 24.12, 24.13, 24.14, 24.15, 24.16, 24.17, 24.18, 24.19, 24.20, 24.20.1 da 24.21
Email address (en) Fassara mailto:[email protected]
Shafin yanar gizo da
Hashtag (en) Fassara FreedomBox
Lasisin haƙƙin mallaka GNU Affero General Public License, version 3.0 or later (en) Fassara
Copyright status (en) Fassara copyrighted (en) Fassara
Funding scheme (en) Fassara crowdfunding (en) Fassara
IRC channel URL (en) Fassara irc://
Mailing list archive URL (en) Fassara
Translation contribution URL (en) Fassara
Tambarin FreedomBox
Screenshot of the front page of FreedomBox
Shafin farko na mai amfani da FreedomBox tare da yawancin aikace-aikacen da aka shigar.
freedom box

FreedomBox tsarin sabar gida ce ta software kyauta bisa Debian, wanda Gidauniyar FreedomBox ke goyan bayan[1]

An ƙaddamar da shi a cikin shekara ta 2010, FreedomBox ya girma daga tsarin software zuwa tsarin muhalli wanda ya haɗa da al'ummar DIY da kuma wasu samfuran kasuwanci.


An sanar da aikin Eben Moglen, Farfesa na Shari'a a Makarantar Shari'a ta Columbia, a cikin jawabin da ake kira "'Yanci a cikin Cloud" a taron New York ISOC a ranar Fabrairu 2, 2010. A cikin wannan jawabin, Moglen ya yi hasashen irin barnar da Facebook zai yi wa al'umma: .[2]"Mista Zuckerberg ya samu wani tarihi da ba za a iya mantawa da shi ba: ya cutar da bil'adama fiye da kowa da shekarunsa." A cikin martani kai tsaye ga barazanar da Facebook ke yi a cikin shekara ta 2010, Moglen ya bayar da hujjar cewa FreedomBox yakamata ya samar da tushe don madadin gidan yanar gizo. Kamar yadda Steven J. Vaughan Nichols ya lura, “[Moglen] ya ga rudanin da muke fuskanta kusan shekaru 10, da suka wuce. . . . Hakan ya kasance kafin Facebook ya nuna cewa bai dace da tsaro ba tare da sayar da bayanan ku ga Cambridge Analytica don zamba ga masu amfani da Facebook miliyan 50, na Amurka tare da farfagandar anti-Clinton da farfagandar goyon bayan Trump a zaɓen shekara ta 2016."

A ranar 4, ga Fabrairun shekara ta, 2011, Moglen ya kafa Gidauniyar FreedomBox don zama hedkwatar gudanarwa na aikin, kuma a ranar 18 ga Fabrairu, 2011, gidauniyar ta fara yaƙin neman zaɓe don tara $ 60,000, a cikin kwanaki 30 akan sabis na tattara kuɗi, Kickstarter . An cimma burin a ranar 22, ga Fabrairu, da kuma ranar 19, ga Maris, 2011, yakin ya ƙare bayan tattara $86,724, daga masu goyon bayan 1,007. [3] Masu haɓakawa na farko sun yi niyya don ƙirƙira da adana keɓaɓɓen keɓaɓɓen keɓaɓɓu ta hanyar samar da ingantaccen dandamali don gina ƙaƙƙarfan aikace-aikacen dijital. Sun yi niyya ga software na FreedomBox don toshe kwamfutoci da kwamfutoci guda ɗaya waɗanda za su iya kasancewa cikin sauƙi a cikin gidaje ko ofisoshi. Bayan 2011, aikin FreedomBox ya ci gaba da girma a karkashin jagorancin daban-daban.

A cikin shekara ta 2017, aikin ya yi nasara sosai cewa "kamfanin fasaha na duniya mai zaman kansa ThinkWorks ya dauki hayar masu haɓaka biyu a Indiya don yin aiki a kan FreedomBox cikakken lokaci." Aikin FreedomBox yanzu yana da tsarin muhalli na software na kansa, tare da gudummawa daga sama da masu haɓaka 60, a tsawon tarihin aikin.[4][5][3] The goal was met on February 22,[6][3] The early developers aimed to create and preserve personal privacy by providing a secure platform for building decentralized digital applications.[7][8][9][10]

A cikin shekara ta 2019, Gidauniyar FreedomBox ta ba da sanarwar cewa samfurin FreedomBox na kasuwanci na farko Olimex, mai kera kayan masarufi ne zai siyar da shi.

FreedomBox da Debian.

FreedomBox shine Debian Pure Blend . Duk aikace-aikace akan FreedomBox an shigar dasu azaman fakitin Debian . Aikin FreedomBox da kansa yana rarraba software ta wurin ajiyar Debian.

Dangane da Debian don kula da software shine ɗayan dalilan da yasa FreedomBox ya ƙare da yawa makamantan ayyukan da suka yi amfani da rubutun shigarwa na hannu maimakon. FreedomBox yana zuwa tare da sabunta software ta atomatik wanda Debian ke ƙarfafawa.[ana buƙatar hujja][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19]

Hardware neutrality.

FreedomBox an ƙera shi don ya zama tsaka-tsakin hardware: Masu haɓakawa suna nufin a iya shigar da shi akan kusan kowace kayan aikin kwamfuta. Ɗaya daga cikin fa'idodin kasancewar Debian Pure Blend shine FreedomBox ya gaji dacewa da kayan aikin Debian iri-iri.

Tun daga Afrilun shekara ta 2019, FreedomBox yana kunshe cikin hotunan tsarin aiki na al'ada don kwamfutoci 11, guda 11. An yi bayanin kayan aikin da aka gabatar don amfani da software na FreedomBox akan shafin Hardware . An fi son ƙirar OSHW, kamar Olimex A20 OLinuXino Lime 2, ko BeagleBone Black,. Rufe allo allo kamar DreamPlug, Cubietruck da Rasberi Pi ne mai yiwuwa zažužžukan, yayin da wasu suna kan hanya. Hakanan akwai hoton VirtualBox. Hakanan za'a iya shigar da FreedomBox akan ingantaccen shigarwar Debian.

Samfur na kasuwanci.

A ranar 22, ga Afrilu, 2019, Gidauniyar FreedomBox ta ba da sanarwar ƙaddamar da siyar da samfuran FreedomBox na kasuwanci na farko. Olimex, kamfani wanda ke ƙirƙirar Hardware na Buɗewa shine ke samarwa da sayar da "Pioneer Edition FreedomBox Home Server Kit". Dan jaridar fasaha Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols ya ce game da ƙaddamar da samfurin FreedomBox,

An ƙirƙiri samfurin don sauƙaƙe wa masu zaman kansu damar ɗaukar sabar nasu. Marubucin fasaha Glyn Moody ya lura cewa “aikin FreedomBox yana da matukar amfani, ba ko kadan ba a matsayin hujja cewa ana iya gina tsarin rarrabawa. Sabuwar hanyar kasuwanci ana maraba da ita musamman don rage shingen shiga har yanzu gaba."

Duba kuma.

  • arkOS
  • Commotion Wireless.
  • MaidSafe.
  • Rukunin sadarwar.
  • Mai sarrafa bayanan sirri.
  • PirateBox (mai kama da aikin FreedomBox).
  • Yunohost (kuma mai kama da aikin zuwa FreedomBox).
  • Mara waya raga cibiyar sadarwa.


  1. {{Cite web|url=[permanent dead link]
  2. "Highlights of Eben Moglen's Freedom in the Cloud Talk". Software Freedom Law Center. Retrieved 2011-02-20.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 "Push the FreedomBox Foundation from 0 to 60 in 30 days". Kickstarter. Retrieved 2011-02-20.
  4. "Put the internet back under your control with the FreedomBox". ZDNet.
  5. "Why Political Liberty Depends on Software Freedom More Than Ever". Software Freedom Law Center. Retrieved 2011-02-20. Yesterday in the United States, we formed the FreedomBox Foundation, which I plan to use as the [...] organizational headquarters [...]
  6. "Thank you Kickstarters". The Freedom Foundation. Retrieved 2011-02-23.
  7. " 2012: FreedomBox's privacy". ZDNet. Retrieved 2012-01-19.
  8. "Announcing the Launch of Sales of Pioneer Edition FreedomBox Home Servers".
  9. "Contributors - FreedomBox Debian Wiki".
  10. Franklin, Jill (2019-04-26). "The EFF Asks You to Help End the Call Detail Records Program, FreedomBox Foundation Launches the Pioneer Edition FreedomBox Home Server, Polyverse Announces CVE API Support, IBM Developers Working on System Call Isolation and Scientific Linux Discontinued". Retrieved 2018-08-23.
  11. "About FreedomBox - FreedomBox Foundation".
  12. "Testing Download - FreedomBox". Archived from the original on 2019-01-02. Retrieved 2022-03-10.
  13. "FreedomBox/Hardware - Debian Wiki".
  14. "FreedomBox/Hardware/A20-OLinuXino-Lime2 - Debian Wiki". Retrieved 2015-11-22.
  15. "FreedomBox/Hardware/BeagleBone - Debian Wiki".
  16. "FreedomBox/TargetedHardware - Debian Wiki".
  17. "FreedomBox/Hardware/Cubietruck - Debian Wiki".
  18. "FreedomBox/Hardware/RaspberryPi - Debian Wiki". Archived from the original on 2020-09-05. Retrieved 2022-03-10.
  19. "FreedomBox/Hardware/RaspberryPi2 - Debian Wiki".

Latsa sharhi.

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