Kirsten Prout (Vancouver, Kanada, 1990eko irailaren 28 - ) aktore kanadarra da.
- Tell me no lies (2007) Samantha Cooper bezala
- Kyle XY (2006- ) Amanda Bloom bezala
- Elektra (2005) Abby Miller bezala
- The Love Crimes of Gillian Guess (2004) (TB) Amanda Guess bezala
- Birthright (Stargate SG-1) (2003) (TB) Nesa bezala
- Twice Upon a Christmas (2001) (TB) Brittany Morgan bezala
- The Wedding Dress (2001) (TB) Stella Carver bezala
- Mindstorm (2001) Tracy Wellman gaztetan bezala
- Once Upon a Christmas (2000) Brittany Morgan bezala
- The Linda McCartney Story (2000) (TB) Stella bezala
Kanpo estekak