John Kelly of Killanne

John Kelly of Killanne

Kelly The Boy From Killane (euskaraz Kelly Killaneko Mutila) irlandar folk abestia da.


What's the news, what's the news oh my bold Shelmalier
With your long barrelled guns from the sea
Say what wind from the south brings a messenger here
With the hymn of the dawn for the free
Goodly news, goodly news do I bring youth of Forth
Goodly news shall you hear Bargy man
For the boys march at dawn from the south to the north
Led by Kelly the boy from Killane

Tell me who is that giant with the gold curling hair
He who rides at the head of your band
Seven feet is his height with some inches to spare
And he looks like a king in command
Ah my boys that's the pride of the bold Shelmaliers
'Mongst greatest of hero's a man
Fling your beavers aloft and give three ringing cheers
For John Kelly the boy from Killane

Enniscorthy's in flames and old Wexford is won
And tomorrow the Barrow we will cross
On a hill o'er the town we have planted a gun
That will batter the gateway to Ross
All the Forth men and Bargy men will march o'er the heath
With brave Harvey to lead in the van
But the foremost of all in that grim gap of death
Will be Kelly the boy from Killane

But the gold sun of freedom grew darkened at Ross
And it set by the Slaney's red waves
And poor Wexford stripped naked, hung high on a cross
With her heart pierced by traitors and slaves
Glory-o, glory-o to her brave sons who died
For the cause of long down trodden man
Glory-o to Mount Leinster's own darling and pride
Dauntless Kelly the boy from Killane

Zer berri, zer berri oi nere Shelmalier ausarta
Itsasotik zure kanoi luzeko pistolekin
Esaidazu hego haizeak zein mezu dakarren hona
Askatasunaren egunsetiko ereserkiarekin
Berri onak, berri onak dakarzkit Fortheko gazte
Berri onak entzun dizkiot Bargyko gizonari
Mutilak egunsentian hegoaldetik iparraldera martxan doaz
Killaneko Kelly mutila agindupean

Esaidazu urrezko ile kirikildun erraldoia nor den
Zure taldearen buru zaldiz doana
Zazpi oineko garaiera eta behatz batzuk pasa
Aginntzean errege bat dirudi
Ah nere mutilak hori Shelmalier ausarten harrotasuna da
Heroi handien arteko gizona
Zuen kapelak airean eta hiru gora ohiukatuz
Killaneko John Kelly mutila alde

Enniscorthy sugarretan da eta Wexford zaharra irabazia
Eta bihar Barrow ibaia gurutzatuko dugu
Hiriaren gaineko muinoan kanoia ipini dugu
Rosseko ate nagusia kolpatuko duena
Forth eta Bargyko gizon guztiek aurrean martxan joango dira
Harvey ausarta taldearen buru delarik
Baina denen artean aurrena heriotzaren une larrian
Killaneko Kelly mutila izango da

Baina askatasunaren urrezko eguzkia Rossen ilundu zen
Slaneyren kasaka gorrien ondorioz
Eta Wexford gizagajoa biluzik, gurutzean urkatu zuten
Bere bihotza traidore eta esklaboek zatikatuta
Loria-o, loria-o hil ziren seme adoretsuen alde
Gizon zapalduaren kausaren alde
Loria-o Mount Leinsterreri geronen estimua eta harrotasuna
Killaneko Kelly mutil beldurkaitzari

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