Scott DeVeaux
Scott Knowles DeVeaux (* 11-an de novembro 1954) estas usona muziksciencisto specialiĝinta pri ĵazo.
- The Birth of Bebop – a social and musical history, Berkeley, University of California Press 1997, MacMillan 1999
- Jazz in America. Who´s listening ?, Research Division Report Nr.31, 1995, Washington D.C., NEA, Carson, Kalifornio, Seven Locks Press 1995
- kun Gary Giddins: Jazz, W.W.Norton 2009
- kun William Howard Kenney (eldonisto): The music of James Scott, Smithsonian Institution Press, Vaŝingtono 1992
- Bebop and the recording industry, Journal of the American Musicological Society, 1989
- The Emergence of the Jazz Concert, American Music, Bd.7, 1989, S.6-29
- Constructing the jazz tradition: Jazz Historiography, Black American Literature Forum, Bd.25, 1991, S.551, represita en Robert O´Meally (eldonisto) The Jazz Cadence of American Culture, Columbia University Press 1998, Online
- Nice Work if you can get it – Thelonious Monk and popular song, Black Music Research Journal, Bd.19, 1999, represita en Rob van der Bliek (eldonisto) Thelonious Monk Reader, Oxford University Press 2001
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