Yumi Karasumaru (烏丸 由美, Karasumaru Yumi, born in Osaka) is a Japanese artist.[1] She lives and works in Bologna, Italy, and Kawanishi, Japan.
Early life and education
Karasumaru was born in Osaka, Japan. She lives and works in Bologna, Italy and Kawanishi, Japan. She graduated from the sculpture department of Kyoto City University of Arts and from the Italian National Academy of Fine Arts (Bologna) painting course.[citation needed]
2020 "The Story-teller, il narratore 2020 – Il nome di quell’uomo è Pasquale " ,[7]
at Galleria de Foscherari, Bologna, Italy
“Yumi-transformer, Life changing program 2020-2021” on 24th and 25th June at Galleria de’ foscherari,Bologna, Italy
“The Story-teller, il narratore 2020 – Il nome di quell’uomo è Pasquale",
on 24th January at Galleria de’ foscherari, Bologna, Italy
2019 "The Bumper Car Kodanshi - Circolare",[8] at the amusement park, Baggio, Milano, Italy
"The Story-teller, Kataribe 2019 – Make yourself at home",[9] from 1st to 3rd of February, at artist’s home studio,in the program of ART CITY – Arte Fiera 2019, Bologna, Italy
2018 "The Story-teller, Il narratore 2018 – The Four Pop Songs" at I VOLPINI for ArtCity
Bologna, 31 January, Bologna, Italy
2017 "Facing Histories in Hiroshima- versione speciale per Torino 2017",[10] Museo Ettore Fico,
4th of November, Turin, Italy
"Story-teller, il narratore-special version for Naples 2017[11][12]" ,at Palazzo Caracciolo di San Teodoro in Naples, 15 June, Naples,Italy
2016 "Facing Histories in Hiroshima", Museo d’Arte Moderna di Bologna(MAMbo), 6 August,
Bologna , Italy
2015 "Facing Histories in Hiroshima", @Kcua Kyoto City University Arts Art Gallery, 6, 9
August, Kyoto Japan
"Facing Histories in Hiroshima", at Ateliersi, Bologna, Italy
2014 "Korosù-to Kill – Special version for, Marfisa 2014",
at Palazzina Marfisa d'Este in Ferrara,Italy
"The Story-Teller, Kataribe 2014", at Galerie Houg, Lyon, France
2013 "The Story-Teller, il narratore", at Studio Carlotta Pesce, Bologna, Italy
"The Story-Teller, il narratore", "KOROSù-to Kill" at Ex-chiesa di San Mattia, Bologna
( the event of Arte Fiera – ArtcCity Bologna)
2011 "The Story-Teller", at Gallerie Houg, Lyon, France