The bibliography of Kimitake Hiraoka, pen name Yukio Mishima, includes novels, novellas, short stories and literary essays, as well as plays that were written not only in a contemporary-style, but also in the style of classical Japanese theatre, particularly in the genres of noh and kabuki. However, although Mishima took themes, titles and characters from the noh canon, he included his own twists and modern settings, such as hospitals and ballrooms, which startled audiences who were accustomed to the long-settled originals.
In total, Mishima wrote 34 novels (including some entertainment novels), about 50 plays, 25 books of short stories, and at least 35 books of essays, one libretto, as well as one film.[1]
An asterisk (*) denotes works written in Mishima's Gakushūin period. This article was completed with reference to the Japanese Wikipedia entry of Mishima. For a full list of his works, see work by Yamazaki in the further reading.
Tōzoku―Dai 1-Shō Monogatari no Hottan (Koi no Shūkyoku soshite Monogatari no Hottan) (盗賊 第1章 物語の発端 (恋の終局そして物語の発端) Thieves―Chapter 1 Beginning of a Story (End of Love, and The Beginning of a Story)) 1948
Tōzoku―Dai 2-Shō Kesshin to sono Fushigina Kōka (Jisatsu Kitosha) (盗賊 第2章 決心とその不思議な効果 (自殺企画者) Thieves―Chapter 2 Determination and The Mysterious Effect (Suicide Planner)) 1947
Title changed to Chusei ni okeru Ichi Satsujin-Jōshūsha no nokoseru Tetsugakuteki Nikki no Bassui (中世に於ける一殺人常習者の遺せる哲学的日記の抜粋 Philosophical Diary of a Serial Killer from Middle Ages)
Fuyō no Tsuyu Ōuchi Jikki (芙蓉露大内実記 The Blush on the White Hibiscus Blossom: Lady Fuyo and the True Account of the Ōuchi Clan), 1955, an adaptation of Euripides' Hippolytos and Racine's Phèdre
Musume-gonomi Obi Tori no Ike (むすめごのみ帯取池 Sash Stealing Pond), 1958
Chinsetsu Yumiharizuki (椿説弓張月Half Moon (like a Bow and arrow setting up): The Adventures of Tametomo or literally A Wonder Tale: The Moonbow), 1969
Tsutankāmen no Kekkon (ツタンカーメンの結婚 The Marriage of Tutankhamun), 1948
Hanjidaiteki na Geijutsuka (反時代的な芸術家 The Artist against Our Times), 1948
Higeki no Arika (悲劇の在処 The Whereabouts of Tragedy), 1949
Gikyoku o Kakitagaru Sōsetsugaki no Nōto (戯曲を書きたがる小説書きのノート Notes of a Novelist Who Wants to Write Drama), 1949
Osaka no Tsurekomiyado ―「Ai no Kawaki」no Shōsa Ryokō no Ichiya (大阪の連込宿 ――「愛の渇き」の調査旅行の一夜 Love Hotels in Osaka ― A Night of Investigation for Thirst for Love), 1950
Koe to Kotoba Tsukai ― Dansei no Motomeru Risō no Josei (声と言葉遣ひ――男性の求める理想の女性 Servant of Voice and Words ― The Ideal Woman Desired by Men), 1950
Kogen Hoteru (高原ホテル A Hotel in the Highlands), 1951
Aporo no Sakazuki (アポロの杯 The Cup of Apollo), 1952, Travelogue
Hoku-bei Kikō (Amerika Nikki) (北米紀行 (あめりか日記) North America Travelogue (American Diary))
Nan-bei Kikō (San Pauro no "Hato no Machi") (南米紀行 (サン・パウロの「鳩の街」) South America Travelogue (São Paulo's "Pigeon Town"))
Ōshū Kikō (欧州紀行 Europe Travelogue)
Tabi no Omoide (旅の思ひ出 Memories of the Travel)
Enshigan no Tabibito (遠視眼の旅人The Farsighted Traveller), 1952
Saikō no Gizensha to Shite ― Koutaishidenka e no Tegami (最高の偽善者として――皇太子殿下への手紙 As the Finest Hypocrite ― A Letter to the Crown Prince), 1952
Watashi no Sukina Sakuchūjinbutsu ― Girisha kara Gendai made no Nakani (私の好きな作中人物――希臘から現代までの中に My Favourite Literary Characters ― from Ancient Greece to the Present), 1952
Tanoshiki Gokōkai o ― Kōtaishidenka e (愉しき御航海を――皇太子殿下へ Bon Voyage ― To the Crown Prince), 1953
Zōshōshūjin no Omoide ― Boku wa Ōkuradaijin (蔵相ぞうしょう就任の想ひ出――ボクは大蔵大臣 Memories of My Inauguration as Minister ― I Am the Minister of Finance), 1953
Dōdōnuguri no Hōrō (堂々めぐりの放浪 Roaming in Circles), 1953
Watashi no Shōsetsu no Hōhō (私の小説の方法 The Way I Write Novels), 1954
Kūhaku no Yakuwari (空白の役割 The Role of Blankness), 1955
Shūmatsukan kara no Shuppatsu ― Shōwa Nijūnen no Jigazō (終末感からの出発――昭和二十年の自画像 Departure from Apocalyptic Feelings ― Self-Portrait of 1945), 1955
Hachigatsu Jūgonichi Zengo (八月十五日前後 Around August 15), 1955
Gigyoku no Yūwaku (戯曲の誘惑 The Allure of Drama), 1955
Shōsetsuka no Kyūka (小説家の休暇 The Holiday of a Novelist), 1955
Shin Renai Kōza (新恋愛講座 New Lectures about Love), 1956
Rekishi no Soto ni Jibun o Tazunete ― Sanjūdai no Shosei (歴史の外に自分をたづねて――三十代の処生 To Search for Oneself Outside of History ― Living in One's Thirties), 1956
Radige ni Tsukarete ― Watashino Dokusho Henreki (ラディゲに憑かれて――私の読書遍歴 Possessed by Radiguet ― My Reading History), 1956
Waga Miseraretaru Mono (わが魅せられたるもの Those Who Enchant Me), 1956
Jiko Kaizō no Kokoromi ― Omoi Buntai to Ōgai e no Keitō (自己改造の試み――重い文体と鴎外への傾倒 An Attempt at Self Change ― Devotion to Heavy Literary Style and Ōgai), 1956
Bodi-biru tetsugaku (ボディ・ビル哲学 Philosophy of Bodybuilding), 1956
Watashi no Henreki Jidai (私の遍歴時代 My Wandering Period), 1963 (Book Published in 1964), autobiography
Watashi no Naka no “Otokorashisa” no Kouhaku (私の中の“男らしさ”の告白 Confession on the "Masculinity" within Myself), 1963
Shōsetsuka no Musuko (小説家の息子 The Son of a Novelist), 1963
―S・F Fan no Wagamama na Kibō (―S・Fファンのわがままな希望 ―The Self-Indulgent Wishes of a Sci-fi Fan), 1963
Waga Sōsaku Hōhō (わが創作方法 My Creative Method), 1963
Shashinshū「Barakei」no Moderu o Tsutomete ― Purasu・Mainasu ’63 (写真集「薔薇刑」のモデルをつとめて――ぷらす・まいなす'63 Trying My Best as Model for the Photobook Barakei ― Plus or Minus ’63), 1963
Han-teijo Daigaku (反貞女大学 College of Unchasteness), 1965 (Book Published in 1966)
Hōgakushi to Shōsetsu (法学士と小説 The Bachelor of Laws and the Novel), 1965
Rondon Tsūshin・Igirisu Kikō (ロンドン通信・英国紀行 Communications from London・U.K. Travelogue), 1965
Watashi no Sensō to Sengo Taigen ― Nijū Nen me no Hachigatsu Jūgo Nichi (私の戦争と戦後体験――二十年目の八月十五日, My Prewar and Postwar Experiences ― The Twentieth August 15), 1965
Yokomitsu Toshikazu to Kawabata Yasunari (横光利一と川端康成 Toshikazu Yokomitsu and Yasunari Kawabata), 1955
Kawabata Yasunari Besuto・Surī ―「Yama no Oto」「Sorihashi Rensaku」「Kinjū」(川端康成ベスト・スリー――「山の音」「反橋連作」「禽獣」The Best Three of Yasunari Kawabata ― The Sound of the Mountain, Sorihashi Bridge Series, Of Birds and Beasts), 1955
Geijutsu ni Erosu wa Hitsuyō ka (芸術にエロスは必要か Is Eros Necessary to Art?), 1955
Fukuda Tsuneari shi no Kao (福田恆存氏の顔 The Face of Tsuneari Fukuda), 1955
Katō Michio shi no Koto (加藤道夫氏のこと On Michio Katō), 1955
Boku no Eiga o Miru Shakudo・Shinemasukōpu to Engyoku (ぼくの映画をみる尺度・シネマスコープと演劇 My Film-Watching Standards, CinemaScope, and Theatre), 1956
Eien no Tabibito―Kawabata Yasunari-shi no Hito to Sakuhin (永遠の旅人―川端康成氏の人と作品 The Eternal Traveler―Yasunari Kawabata's Personality and Works), 1956
Seibugeki Raisan (西部劇礼讃 In Praise of the Western Film), 1956
Gakuya de kakareta Engeki-ron, (楽屋で書かれた演劇論 Backstage Essays), 1957
Kawabata Yasunari no Tōyō to Seiyō (川端康成の東洋と西洋 The Orient and Occident of Yasunari Kawabata), 1957
Gendai Shōsetsu wa Koten Tarieru ka (現代小説は古典たり得るか Can the Contemporary Novel Do the Job of Classics?), 1957
Kasugai Ken shi no「Miseinen」no Jobun (春日井建氏の「未青年」の序文 Preface to Ken Kasugai's TheMinor), 1960
Takeda Taijun hi ― Sōryo de Aru Koto (武田泰淳氏――僧侶であること Taijun Takeda ― On Being a Monk), 1960
Sonzaishinai Mono no Bigaku ―「Shinkokinshū」Chinkai (存在しないものの美学――「新古今集」珍解 The Aesthetics of Nonexistent Things ― An Odd Interpretation of the Shinkokinshū), 1961
Recommending Mr. Yasunari Kawabata for the 1961 Nobel Prize for Literature, 1961
Kawabata Yasunari shi to Bunkakunshō (川端康成氏と文化勲章 Yasunari Kawabata and the Order of Culture), 1961
Shūmatsukan to Bungaku (終末観と文学 Eschatology and Literature), 1961
「Jun Bungaku to wa?」Sono Hoka (「純文学とは?」その他 What is Pure Literature? and Others), 1962
Gendaishi to Shite no Shōsetsu (現代史としての小説 The Novel as Contemporary History), 1962
Bungakuza no Shokun e no「Kōkaijō」―「Yorokobi no Koto」no Jōen Kyohi ni Tsuite (文学座の諸君への「公開状」――「喜びの琴」の上演拒否について An Open Letter to My Friends at the Bungakuza ― on the Rejection to Staging Yorokobi no Koto), 1963
Kaisetsu『Nihon no Bungaku 38 Kawabata Yasunari』(解説『日本の文学38 川端康成』Commentary “Japanese Literature 38 Yasunari Kawabata"), 1964
Kaisetsu『Gendai no Bungaku 38 Enchi Fumiko』(解説『現代の文学20 円地文子集』Commentary “Contemporary Literature 20 Fumiko Enchi Series”), 1964
Bungaku ni Okeru Kōha ― Nihon Bungaku no Dansei teki Genri (文学における硬派――日本文学の男性的原理 The Tough Guy of Literature ― The Masculine Principle of Japanese Literature), 1964
Gendai Bungaku no San Hōkō (現代文学の三方向 The Three Directions of Contemporary Literature), 1965
Bungaku teki Yogen ― Shōwa Yonjū Nendai (文学的予言――昭和四十年代 A Literary Prophecy ― In the Time of 1965), 1965
Tanizaki Chō Jidai no Shūen (谷崎朝時代の終焉 The End of the Tanizaki Era), 1965
Kaisetsu『Nihon no Bungaku 2 Mori Ōgai (Ichi) 』(解説『日本の文学2 森鴎外(一)』Commentary “Japanese Literature 2 Ōgai Mori (1)”), 1966
Kiken na Geijutsuka (危険な芸術家 The Dangerous Artist), 1966
Eiga teki Nikutai Ron ― Sono Bubun Oyobi Zendai (映画的肉体論――その部分及び全体 A Cinematic Theory of the Body ― Its Parts and Its Whole), 1966
Narushishizumu Ron (ナルシシズム論 A Theory of Narcissism), 1966
Tanizaki Junichirō, Geijutsu to Seikatsu (谷崎潤一郎、芸術と生活 Junichirō Tanizaki, Art and Life), 1966
Itō Shizuo no Uta ― Waga Shika (伊東静雄の詩――わが詩歌 The Poems of Shizuo Itō ― Our Poetry), 1966
Tanizaki Junichirō Shō (谷崎潤一郎頌 In Praise of Junichirō Tanizaki), 1966
Tsuruta Kōji Ron ―「Shōchō Tobaku」to「Hishakaku to Kiratsune」no Naka no (鶴田浩二論――「総長賭博」と「飛車角と吉良常」のなかの A Theory of Kōji Tsuruta ― In Shōchō Tobaku and Hishakaku to Kiratsune), 1969
Nihon Bungaku Shoshi (日本文学小史 Some Histories of Japanese Literature), 1969 (Book Published in 1972), an unfinished Literary criticism
Kaisetsu『Nihon no Bungaku 52 Nozaki Kazuo・Tonomura Shigeru・Kanbayashi Akatsuki』(解説『日本の文学52 尾崎一雄・外村繁・上林暁』 Commentary "Japanese Literature 40 Kazuo Nozaki・Shigeru Tonomura・Akatsuki Kanbayashi"), 1969
Matsugo no Me (末期の眼 Yasunari Kawabata's The Eye at the Deathbed), 1970
Kaisetsu『Shinch ōNihon Bungaku 6 Tanizaki Junichirō Sho』(解説『新潮日本文学6 谷崎潤一郎集』 Commentary "Shinchō Japanese Literature 6 Junichirō Tanizaki Series"), 1970
Sei teki Henshitsu kara Seiji teki Henshitsu e ― Bisukonti「Jigoku ni Ochita Yūja domo」o Megutte (性的変質から政治的変質へ――ヴィスコンティ「地獄に堕ちた勇者ども」をめぐって From Sexual Perversion to Political Perversion ― On Visconti's The Damned), 1970
Kaisetsu『Nihon no Bungaku 34 Uchida Hyakken・Makino Shinichi・Inagaki Taruho』(解説『日本の文学34 内田百閒・牧野信一・稲垣足穂』 Commentary "Japanese Literature 34 Hyakken Uchida・Shinichi Makino・Taruho Inagaki"), 1970
Yanagida Kunio『Tōno Monogatari』― Meicho Sai Hakken (柳田国男『遠野物語』――名著再発見 Kunio Yanagida’s Tale of Tōno ― Rediscovering a Literary Masterpiece), 1970
Dōtoku to Kodoku (道徳と孤独 Morality and Loneliness), 1953
Moraru no Kangaku ― Geijutsuka ni Okeru Seijitsu no Mondai (モラルの感覚――芸術家における誠実の問題 Sense of Morality ― The Issue of Honesty in the Artist), 1953
Shin Fasshizumu Ron (新ファッシズム論 A Theory of Neofascism), 1954
Yokubō no Jūsoku ni Tsuite ― Kōfuku no Shinrigaku (欲望の充足について――幸福の心理学 On the Satisfaction of Desires ― The Psychology of Happiness), 1955
Denki Sentakuki no Mondai (電気洗濯機の問題 The Problem with Laundary Machines), 1956
Kame wa Usagi ni Oitsuku ka? ― Iwayuru Kōshikoku no Shomondai (亀は兎に追ひつくか?――いはゆる後進国の諸問題 Can the Tortoise Catch up with the Rabbit? ― The Many Problems of So-called “Third-World Countries”), 1956
Amerikajin no Nihon Shinwa (アメリカ人の日本神話 Japan: The Cherished Myths), 1961
Ma ― Gendai teki Jōkyō no Shōchō teki Kōzu (魔――現代的状況の象徴的構図 Demon ― A Symbolic Composition of the Contemporary State of Affairs), 1961
Horie Seinen ni Tsuite (堀江青年について On Horie the Youth), 1962
Tenkataihei no Shisō (天下泰平の思想 The Ideology of World Peace), 1963
Seito o Shinpukusaseru dake no Wanryoku o ― Suparuta Kyōiku no Osusume (生徒を心服させるだけの腕力を――スパルタ教育のおすすめ Only as Much Force as to Gain the Devotion of Students ― Recommending the Agoge), 1964
Kyokugen to Riariti (極限とリアリティー Extremity and Reality), 1964
Kanojo mo Naita, Watashi mo Naita―Joshi Bare (彼女も泣いた、私も泣いた―女子バレー She Cried, and I Cried―Women Volleyball), 1964 Tokyo Olympic Reports
Bōkyaku to Bika (忘却と美化 Forgetting and Beautification), 1967
「Dōgi teki Kakumei」no Ronri ― Isobe Ittōshukei no Ikō ni Tsuite (「道義的革命」の論理――磯部一等主計の遺稿について The Logic of “Moral Revolution” ― On the Posthumous Manuscripts of Lieutenant Isobe), 1967
Watashi no Naka no Hiroshima ― Genbaku no Hi ni Yosete (私の中のヒロシマ――原爆の日によせて The Hiroshima in Me ― On the Atomic Bomb Memorial Day), 1967
Jinsei no Hon ― Suematsu Taihei Cho『Watashi no Shōwa Shi』(人生の本――末松太平著『私の昭和史』The Book of Life ― Taihei Suematsu's My Shōwa History), 1967
Hagakure Nyūmon (葉隠入門 On Hagakure: The Samurai Ethic and Modern Japan), 1967
Seinen Ron ― Kimi Jishin no Ikikata o Kangaeru Tame ni (青年論――キミ自身の生きかたを考へるために A Theory of Youth ― for Thinking about Your Own Way of Living), 1967
JNG Karian (J・N・G仮案 An Informal Proposal of the Japan National Guard), 1968
Sokoku Bōeitai wa Naze Hitsuyō ka? (祖国防衛隊はなぜ必要か?Why Is a National Defense Army Necessary?), 1968
Sabaku no Jūnin e no Ronri teki Chōji ― Tōron o Owari e te (砂漠の住人への論理的弔辞――討論を終へて A Logical Condolence to the Inhabitants of the Desert ― Please End the Debates), 1969
Kita Ikki Ron ―「Nihon Kaizō Hōan Taikō」o Chūshin to Shite (北一輝論――「日本改造法案大綱」を中心として A Theory of Ikki Kita ― Centering on the Outline for the Reorganization of Japan), 1969
Nihon Bunka no Shinen ni Tsuite (日本文化の深淵について A Problem of Culture), 1969
Kōdōgaku Nyūmon (行動学入門 Introductions to the Philosophy of Action), 1969 (Book Published in 1970)
Mishima Yukio no Fakuto・Megaroporisu (三島由紀夫のファクト・メガロポリス Yukio Mishima's Megalopolis of Facts), 1969
STAGE-LEFT IS RIGHT FROM AUDIENCE (abridged translation “Okinama and Madame Butterfly’s Offspring”), 1969
Shidō ni Tsuite ― Ishihara Shintarō e no Kōkaijō (士道について――石原慎太郎への公開状 On the Samurai Code ― An Open Letter to Shintarō Ishihara), 1970
Hatashieteinai Yakusoku ― Watashi no Naka no Nijūgonen (果たし得てゐない約束――私の中の二十五年 A Promise Never Carried Out ― The Twenty-Five Years within Me), 1970
Bushidō to Gunkokushugi (武士道と軍国主義 Samurai Code and Militarism), 1970
Seikigun to Fuseikigun (正規軍と不正規軍 Regular and Irregular Armies), 1970
Kakumei Tetsugaku to Shite no Yōmeigaku (革命哲学としての陽明学 Yangmingism as a Revolutionary Philosophy), 1970
Bushidō ni Kakeru Gendai no Bijinesu (武士道に欠ける現代のビジネスThe Absence of Samurai Code in Contemporary Business), 1970
Waga Doushikan (わが同志観 My View on Comradeship), 1971
Lectures and Statements
Nihon Bundan no Genjō to Seiyō Bungaku to no Kankei (日本文壇の現状と西洋文学との関係 The Status Quo of the Japanese Literary Circle and Its Relation to Western Literature), 1957.7.9 - University of Michigan
Bishoku to Bungaku (美食と文学 Gourmet and Literature), 1958.2.5 - commemorative event for the publication of Complete Works of Tanizaki Junichirō by the Chūōkōron magazine
Watashi wa ikanishite Nihon no sakka ni nattaka (私はいかにして日本の作家となつたか How I have been grown up as the Japanese writer), 1966.4.18 - Speech at Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan
Bunkadaikakumei Ni Kansuru Seimei (文化大革命に関する声明 Statement on the Cultural Revolution), 1967.2.28 – joint statement with Yasunari Kawabata, Jun Ishikawa, Kōbō Abe in the Tokyo Shimbun and Sankei Shimbun
Kotengeinō no Hōhō ni Yoru Seijijōkyō to Sei ― Sakka Mishima Yukio no Shōgen (古典芸能の方法による政治状況と性——作家・三島由紀夫の証言 Our Political Climate and Sex according to the Ways of Classical Theatre — A Testimony by Writer Yukio Mishima), 1967.2.23 – trial regarding the indecency in the film Kuroi Yuki at the Tokyo District Court
Watashi no Jijubōei Ron (私の自主防衛論 My Theory of Autonomous National Defense), 1968.10.24 – extraordinary general meeting at the Japan Business Federation
Shirōto Bōei Ron (素人防衛論 A Theory of National Defense for the Layman), 1968.11.20 – National Defense Academy of Japan at Yokosuka
Nihon no Rekishi to Bunka to Dentō ni Tatte (日本の歴史と文化と伝統に立つて Situated in the History, Culture, and Traditions of Japan), 1968.12.1 – collaborative conference by the Tokyo Students’ Union and Kantō Students’ Union
Nihon to wa Nani ka (日本とは何か What Is “Japan”?), 1969.10.15 – centennial of the Ministry of Finance
Gendai Nihon no Shisō to Kōdō (現代日本の思想と行動 The Thoughts and Actions of Contemporary Japan), 1970.4.27 – regular meeting of the Sannō Research Society of Economics
Watashi no Kiite Hoshii Koto (私の聞いて欲しいこと What I Want You to Know), 1970.5.28 – 84th anniversary of the founding of the Imperial Guards
Aku no Hana ― Kabuki (悪の華――歌舞伎 Flowers of Evil ― Kabuki), 1970.7.3 – training school for Kabuki actors at the National Theatre
「Koritsu」no Susume (「孤立」のススメ Recommending “Isolation”), 1970.6.11, at the Shōshikai
Waga Kuni no Jijubōei ni Tsuite (我が国の自主防衛について On the Autonomous National Defense of Our Country), 1970.9.3 – 3rd political workshop for the youth at the Shinseidōshikai (Association of the New Government)
Geki (檄 An appeal), 1970.11.25 – JSDF Ichigaya Military Base
Ko・Hasuda Zenmei e no Kenshi (故・蓮田善明への献詩 Poem for the Late Zenmei Hasuda), 1946
Karunomiko Joshi (軽王子序詩 Introductory Poem for Prince Karu), 1946
Atarashiki Koronbusu (新しきコロンブス The New Columbus), 1955, translation of Nietzsche's poem Der neue Columbus included in「小説家の休暇」
Rihatsushi no Gengaku teki Yokubō to Futtobōru no Shokuyoku to no Sōkankankei (理髪師の衒学的欲望とフットボールの食慾との相関関係 The Correlation between a Barber’s Pedantic Wishes and Appetite for Football), 1957
Shihen「Jūgosai Shishū」(詩篇「十五歳詩集」Poetry Collection Anthology of a Fifteen-years-old), 1957
Kyōjo no Koiuta (狂女の恋唄 Lovesong of a Madwoman), 1958
Mukashi to Ima, (むかしと今 Past and Present), 1958, translation of Hölderlin's poems Ehmals und Jetzt, Abendphantasie, Sokrates und Alcibiades
^Yukio Mishima (2007). Laurence Kominz (ed.). Mishima on Stage: The Black Lizard & Other Plays. Center for Japanese Studies. p. 189. ISBN9781929280438.
Further reading
Satō Hideaki; Inoue Takashi; Yamanaka Takeshi, eds. (2005). 決定版 三島由紀夫全集・第42巻・年譜・書誌 [Definitive Edition-Yukio Mishima complete works No.42-Biographical sketch and Bibliography] (in Japanese). Shinchosha. ISBN978-4106425820.
Satō Hideaki; Inoue Takashi; Matsumoto Tōru, eds. (2000). 三島由紀夫事典 [Encyclopedia of Yukio Mishima] (in Japanese). Benseishuppan. ISBN978-4585060185.
Yamazaki, Yoshimitsu (n.d.). "『決定版 三島由紀夫全集』各巻目次" [Definitive Edition Yukio Mishima Complete Works - Contents by Volume]. うずまく研究室 (in Japanese). Retrieved 3 June 2024.
"三島由紀夫". Japanese Wikipedia (in Japanese). 18 May 2024. Retrieved 3 June 2024.