Yatagarasu (八咫烏) is a Japanese novel series written by Chisato Abe. The series began publication by Bungeishunjū in June 2012, with ten main volumes and two side story volumes being released as of February 2024. A manga adaptation of the first novel was serialized on Kodansha's Comic Days manga website from June 2018 to April 2020 and collected into four volumes. A manga adaptation of the second novel began serialization in Kodansha's Evening magazine in August 2020, before being transferred to the Comic Days website in November 2021. An anime television series adaptation of the first three novels produced by Pierrot aired from April to September 2024.
A manga adaptation of the first novel, Karasu ni Hitoe wa Niawanai (烏に単は似合わない, "Ravens Shouldn't Wear Kimono"), illustrated by Natsumi Matsuzaki, was serialized on Kodansha's Comic Days manga website from June 23, 2018 to April 11, 2020, and collected into four volumes.[18] The manga was published in English on Kodansha's K Manga app under the name A Raven for All Seasons.[19]
A manga adaptation of the second novel, Karasu wa Aruji o Erabanai (烏は主を選ばない, "The Raven Does Not Choose Its Master"), also illustrated by Matsuzaki, began serialization in Kodansha's Evening manga magazine on August 25, 2020.[20] It was later transferred to the Comic Days website beginning on November 5, 2021.[21]
An anime television series adaptation of the first three novels, titled The Raven Does Not Choose Its Master after the second novel, was announced in October 2023. It was produced by Pierrot and directed by Yoshiaki Kyōgoku, with Yukiko Yamamuro overseeing series scripts, Takumo Norita designing the characters, and Eishi Segawa composing the music.[2] The series aired from April 6 to September 21, 2024, on NHK General TV.[1][4] The opening theme song is "Poi" performed by Saucy Dog.[33]Crunchyroll licensed the series under the title Yatagarasu: The Raven Does Not Choose Its Master.[34]