According to the 2020 Chinese Census, Wuxing District has a residential population of 712,595, increasing by 140,876 or 24.64% from that of 571,719 in 2010 (Sixth Census). The average annual growth rate was 2.23%.[2]
As of 2020, there were 227,039 family households with 571,291 persons and 34,680 collective households (集体户) with 141,304 persons. The average size of a family household was 2.62 persons, decreasing by 0.51 persons compared with the 3.03 in 2010.[2]
Sex Composition
Of Wuxing District's residential population in 2020, 365,793 persons or 51.33% were males while 346,802 persons or 48.76% were females. The sex ratio (female=100, male to female) was 105.48, up by 7.08 percent compared with that in 2010.[2]
Age Composition
According to Seventh Census, there were 74,249 inhabitants (17.95%) in the age group of 0 to 14; 506,949 inhabitants (71.14%) in the age group of 15 to 59; and 131397 inhabitants (18.70%) in the age group of 60 and over. Additionally, there were 95,479 inhabitants (13.50) in the age group of 65 and over. Compared with 2010, the shares of people in the age groups of 0 to 14, 15 to 59, and 60 and above were up by 0.48%, down by 3.95%, and up by 3.47%, respectively. Specially, the part of 65 and over was up by 3.26%.[2]
Educational Attainment
In 2020, there were 116,132 residents with university education (including foundation degree (大专) and above); 9,7066 residents with senior high school education; 273,645 residents with middle school education; and 176,906 residents with primary school education.[2]
Urban and Rural Population
In 2020, there were 522,324 urban residents, accounting for 73.3%, and 190,271 rural residents, accounting for 26.7%. Compared with 2010, the urban population has increased by 143,864 and the rural population has decreased by 2,988. The share of urban population went up by 7.10%.[2]