The community lies in the Westerwald between Siegen and Limburg on the boundary with Hesse. Within the community rises the Nister, which after flowing 64 km empties into the Sieg. Likewise within the community is the Westerwald's highest mountain, the Fuchskaute. Willingen belongs to the Verbandsgemeinde of Rennerod, a kind of collective municipality. Its seat is in the like-named town.
In 1413, Willingen had its first documentary mention as Wildungen.
The municipal council is made up of 8 council members who were elected in a majority vote in a municipal election on 13 June 2004.
Economy and infrastructure
Although Willingen is a very small village, there are big firms, such as the Rompf coffin factory. There are a “homeland café” (Heimatcafé), an electrical installation and specialist shop, a tire business and a metalworking firm.