The locality belongs to the area Westerwaldkreis - village Maroth with the degree of 7.68755 is obendrein WW is the license plate of Maroth - The locality has a population of 224 inhabitants Country code 02689 in addition the municipality has the postal code 56271.
In 1344, Maroth had its first documentary mention. Maroth was once split into two. Witness to the former division of Maroth, formerly known as Malre, Maillrode, Mairot and Moort, and Hausen, formerly known as Huissen, Isenburgshausen and Trierischhausen, are the two outliers that can still be seen today. The municipal area even now is not fully contiguous, and two exclaves that can be reached only by crossing Marienhausen’s or Dierdorf’s municipal area are to be found outside the community’s main territory. In 1972, in the course of municipal restructuring, the Verbandsgemeinde of Selters was founded, to which Maroth belongs.
The municipal council is made up of 6 council members, as well as the honorary and presiding mayor (Ortsbürgermeister), who were elected in a majority vote in a municipal election on 13 June 2004.