Vísburr tók arf eptir Vanlanda föður sinn; hann gékk at eiga dóttur Auða hins auðga ok gaf henni at mundi þrjá stórbœi ok gullmen. Þau áttu 2 sonu, Gisl ok Öndur. En Vísburr lét hana eina ok fékk annarrar konu; en hon fór til föður síns með sonu sína. Vísbur átti son er Dómaldi hét; stjúpmóðir Dómalda lét síða at honum úgæfu. En er synir Vísburs váru 12 vetra ok 13, fóru þeir á fund hans ok heimtu mund móður sinnar, en hann vildi eigi gjalda. Þá mæltu þeir, at gullmenit skyldi verða at bana hinum bezta manni í ætt hans, ok fóru í brott ok heim. Þá var enn fengit at seið ok siðit til þess, at þeir skyldu mega drepa föður sinn. Þá sagði Huldr völva þeim, at hon mundi svá síða, ok þat með, at ættvíg skyldu ávalt vera í ætt þeirra Ynglinga síðan. Þeir játtu því. Eptir þat sömnuðu þeir liði, ok kómu at Vísbur um nótt á úvart ok brendu hann inni.[2]
Visbur succeeded his father Vanlande. He married the daughter of
Aude the Rich, and gave her as her bride-gift three large farms,
and a gold ornament. They had two sons, Gisle and Ond; but
Visbur left her and took another wife, whereupon she went home to
her father with her two sons. Visbur had a son who was called
Domald, and his stepmother used witchcraft to give him ill-luck.
Now, when Visbur's sons were the one twelve and the other
thirteen years of age, they went to their father's place, and
desired to have their mother's dower; but he would not deliver it
to them. Then they said that the gold ornament should be the
death of the best man in all his race, and they returned home.
Then they began again with enchantments and witchcraft, to try if
they could destroy their father. The sorceress Huld said that by
witchcraft she could bring it about by this means, that a
murderer of his own kin should never be wanting in the Yngling
race; and they agreed to have it so. Thereafter they collected
men, came unexpectedly in the night on Visbur, and burned him in
his house.[3][4]