Ulagampatti village has facilities including a bank, Lord Siva, Murugan Temple (Ulaganatha Swami Temple, Murugan Gnaniyar Madam), elementary school and High School.
Currently 4G LTE Services works at a acceptable level in Ulagampatti from the service providers like JIO, Airtel India, Vodafone India. Only 2G, 3G services are from BSNL. Landline telephone using 2 wire copper network PSTN and FAX services are provided by BSNL. Indian Bank office and its ATM at the Ulagampatti branch office uses VPN over Satellite Internet access.
04577 is the STD code of the telephone lines for Ulagampatti village (Tirupathur region).
Cable & Satellite television
Digital Cable TV services are provided currently using CoAxial cables in the village by private players. Direct to home satellite television is also used for receiving both government DD Free Dish and private run TV channels.
Police services
Ulagampatti falls under the Thiruppathur Sub Division of Sivagangai district. Ulagampatti also has the Government Staff residences for the Tamil nadu police department staff.
Ulagampatti postal services
Ulagampatti is a sub-post office (S.O) of the India Post and supports the following neighbouring branch (B.O) post offices:
Electricity Consumer number of every household in ulagampatti will have 05-486-008-xxxx as their electricity consumer number.
The region code is 2 digits.
The section code is 3 digits.
The distribution code is 3 digits.
Service number is 4 digits (User number)
The main economic activity in Ulagampatti is agriculture. There is not much industrial activity in the village. There is a small-scale rice milling factory located near the post office. Road facilities of Ulagampatti are connected to the national highways for ease of access.