Timeline of the George W. Bush presidency (2004)

The following is a timeline of the presidency of George W. Bush, from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004.


  • January 5 – President Bush discusses education's progress within his administration in St. Louis, Missouri.[1]
  • January 7 – President Bush discusses plans to change US immigration laws and make it possible for eight million illegal immigrants to obtain legal status through working temporarily, calling the new system "more compassionate".[2]
  • January 8 – President Bush delivers an address commemorating the second anniversary of the No Child Left Behind Act during an appearance at West View Elementary in Knoxville, Tennessee during the morning.[3]
  • January 9 – President Bush talks about the economy with female business owners in Washington, D.C. at the Department of Commerce for the sake of preserving the strength of the "entrepreneurial spirit" in America.[4]
  • January 13 – President Bush announces federal aid for the state of California after declaring the existence of a major disaster in the state.[5]
  • January 14 – In a speech at the NASA headquarters, President Bush reveals a plan to get Americans to the moon by 2020, proposing $12 billion be used for the effort over the next five years.[6]
  • January 20 – President Bush delivers his annual State of the Union Address before a joint session of Congress.[7]
  • January 24 – President Bush delivers his radio address on health care reform and its relation to his administration.[8]
  • January 26 – President Bush gives a speech in Little Rock, Arkansas on the possible reform of medical liability.[9]
  • January 29 – President Bush talks about the economic plan of his administration in New Hampshire.[10]
  • January 30 – President Bush talks about the economy with what he calls "some of our nation's finest economists" in the Roosevelt Room.[11]
  • January 31 – President Bush releases a statement praising Jennifer Dunn.[12]


  • February 2 – President Bush holds a cabinet meeting and discusses the budget afterward during the morning.[13] President Bush issues a proclamation declaring February 2004 as "American Heart Month".[14]
  • February 3 – President Bush meets with Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Annan in the Oval Office of the White House during the morning.[15]
  • February 4 – President Bush delivers a speech on Middle East democracy in the Library of Congress in Washington during the afternoon.[16]
  • February 19 – President Bush talks about the economy as well as wishes for Congress to make tax cuts a permanent fixture during an appearance at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building.[17]
  • February 23 – President Bush speaks at the National Governors Association.[18]
  • February 24 – President Bush delivers an address in the Roosevelt Room indicating his displease with attempts across the US to support same-sex marriage and recalls the Defense of Marriage Act as proof of "overwhelming consensus in our country for protecting the institution of marriage."[19]
  • February 26 – While giving a speech in Kentucky, President Bush discusses the economy and calls on Congress to rally behind passing tax cuts.[20]
  • February 27 – President Bush meets with Chancellor of Germany Gerhard Schröder at the White House and the two hold a joint press conference.[21]
  • February 29 – President Bush issues a statement on the resigning of Jean-Bertrand Aristide as the President of Haiti and says he has deployed marines for the bringing of order and stability to the country.[22]


  • March 1 – In a written statement, Bush urges Congress to remove newly imposed tariffs on American exports by reforming the tax code through their passage of the FSC/ETI legislation. Bush predicts that, should the legislation not be passed, by the following year the currently imposed tariffs will "impose an increasing burden on American exporters, their workers, and the overall economy".[23]
  • March 3 – President Bush delivers a critique of Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry during a fundraiser in Santa Clara, California, noting that Kerry has taken both sides on issues and examples Kerry did not support removing Hussein from power despite claiming to oppose him.[24]
President George W. Bush and Laura Bush welcome President Vicente Fox of Mexico and Mrs. Marta Sahagún de Fox to their ranch in Crawford, Texas, on March 5, 2004.
  • March 5 – During a news conference, two September 11 attacks victim family members and a former firefighter express their disdain for new Bush campaign ads featuring the September 11 attacks. Rudy Giuliani calls the ad "tasteful" for showing the "challenges the president has faced -- the recession, other things and September 11, 2001."[25]
  • March 10 – US officials report the Bush administration in the near future will begin stronger sanctions against Syria. Assistant Secretary of State William J. Burns tells the House International Relations Committee the sanctions "will be a very firm implementation of the Syrian Accountability Act and the intent behind it."[26]
  • March 11 – Near the end of the morning, Bush releases a statement on the Madrid train bombings where he offers condolences to the families of victims and reaffirms the US's support for Spain.[27] In the evening, Bush flies to New York for a fundraiser for his re-election campaign, saying New York will be part of "a great national victory in November".[28]
  • March 17 – President Bush meets with Taoiseach of Ireland Bertie Ahern in the Roosevelt Room.[29]
  • March 19 – President Bush marks the anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, praising it as a "day of deliverance" for Iraq and a day that saw "decisive action" occur from years of requests and promises being made from the US and the countries aligned with America.[30]
  • March 27 – President Bush mentions improvements to the rate of home ownership and his signing into law of the American Dream Down Payment Act during a radio address.[31]
  • March 30 – President Bush appears at the Fox Cities Performing Art Center in Appleton, Wisconsin, touting improvements to the economy before and after the September 11 attacks as well as laws made in the wake of the event.[32]


President George W. Bush signs H.R. 1997, the Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004, in the East Room on April 1, 2004



  • June 2 – President Bush compares the Iraq war and battling terrorism to World War II and battling communism during a US Air Force Academy commencement ceremony, also comparing the September 11 attacks to the attack on Pearl Harbor.[54]
  • June 3 – CIA Director George Tenet resigns, saying it will be effective on July 11, the seventh anniversary of his appointment to the position by former president Bill Clinton.[55]
  • June 4 – The White House announces President Bush has selected Senator John Danforth as the next United States Ambassador to the United Nations.[56]
  • June 5 – President Bush arrives in Paris for a trip to rally support for the Iraq war as well as note the D-Day invasion of Normandy for its sixtieth anniversary.[57]
  • June 6 – During a commemoration address of D-Day's anniversary to veterans at the Colleville-sur-Mer American military cemetery, he pays homage to former President Ronald Reagan by calling him a "a courageous man himself, and a gallant leader in the cause of freedom" and tells the veterans they'll eternally be honored by America and countries freed at the time of the war.[58]
  • June 11 – During his attending of President Reagan’s funeral, Bush delivers a eulogy.[59]
  • June 12 – President Bush dedicates his radio address to discussing President Reagan’s life and legacy.[60]
  • June 13 – President Bush declares Missouri has a major disaster, ordering federal aid to help in repairing damage brought on by storms, floods, and tornadoes the previous month.[61]
  • June 14 – President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush invite former President Bill Clinton and former First Lady Hillary Clinton back to the White House for the unveiling of the latter's official White House portraits.
U.S. President George W. Bush and U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair shake hands after receiving notification that the Coalition Provisional Authority had returned full sovereignty to Iraq and transferred control of the nation to the Iraqi interim government while the two were at a NATO summit in Istanbul, Turkey on June 28, 2004.
  • June 28 – President Bush has a news conference with United Kingdom Prime Minister Tony Blair in Istanbul, Bush stating the intent of the US to finish the "difficult task" in Iraq.[62] Following a meeting between members of the State Department and Moammar Gadhafi, the State Department says the United States has ended 24 years of non-direct diplomatic ties with Libya.[63]
  • June 29 – In an address at Istanbul University, Bush says Turkey belongs in the European Union, claiming Turkey is moving rapidly to meet the conditions needed to be admitted and that the country's success "is vital to the future of progress and peace in Europe and in the broader Middle East."[64]




President George W. Bush and Department of Homeland Security Under Secretary Michael Brown talk with residents affected by Hurricane Ivan on September 19, 2004.


  • October 4 – President Bush signs a tax relief bill in the morning hours, claiming during a speech hours later in Des Moines, Iowa that "a family of four earning $40,000 would have seen their federal income taxes rise by more than $900" had the law not been passed ahead of a planned 2004 expiration for tax relief provisions.[85]
  • October 5 – President Bush signs a plurality of laws, including the Mount Rainier National Park Boundary Adjustment Act of 2004, the Johnstown Flood National Memorial Boundary Adjustment Act of 2004, the Martin Luther King, Junior, National Historic Site Land Exchange Act, the Carpinteria and Montecito Water Distribution Systems Conveyance Act of 2004, the Railroad Right-of-Way Conveyance Validation Act of 2004, the Williamson County Water Recycling Act of 2004, the Southwest Forest Health and Wildfire Prevention Act of 2004, and the Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve Boundary Revision Act of 2004 among several laws not formally titled.[86]
  • October 5 – Vice President Dick Cheney and Senator John Edwards participate in the only vice presidential debate at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. The debate was moderated by Gwen Ifill of PBS.[87]
  • October 7 – President Bush releases a public statement on the Iraq report, assessing in part that the US was right in taking action and is safer thanks to the incarceration of Hussein.[88]
  • October 8 – President Bush and Senator John Kerry participate in the second presidential debate at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri in a town hall format. The debate was moderated by Charles Gibson of ABC.[citation needed]
  • October 12 – President Bush delivers a speech in Colorado Springs during a rally there, addressing the ongoing election and outlining his policies.[89]
  • October 13 – President Bush and Senator John Kerry participate in the third and final presidential debate at Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona. The debate was moderated by CBS News veteran Bob Schieffer.[citation needed]
  • October 19 – President Bush gives an address in The Villages, Florida, charging Senator Kerry with wanting to move the US "in the direction of government-run health care" and proclaiming that he himself has "set out policies that move this country toward a positive and optimistic vision." Bush argues this difference among others makes the "choice in this election" clear.[90]
  • October 29 – President Bush releases a statement stating that he'd been informed earlier during the day of a tape the US intelligence community was analyzing and that Americans "will not be intimidated or influenced by an enemy of our country."[91]


President George W. Bush and Commanding General, Maj. Gen. Galen B. Jackman pay respects to the unknown servicemen laid to rest at the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia during a Veteran’s Day ceremony on November 11, 2004


  • December 1 – During a speech in Halifax, Bush gives praise to Canada and its people for being allies to the US both during and after the September 11 attacks.[108]
  • December 2 – President Bush denounces the delaying of elections in Iraq, saying it's time for the country's citizens to "go to the polls", when speaking to reporters at the White House.[109]
  • December 2 – First Lady Laura Bush unveils the Christmas decorations at the White House for the fourth time.[110]
  • December 3 – President Bush names Bernard Kerik as United States Secretary of Homeland Security.[111]
  • December 4 – President Bush meets with Pervez Musharraf in the Oval Office, Musharraf saying after the meeting that they discussed terrorism in its entirety and that he felt the meeting was "extremely positive".[112]
  • December 9 – President Bush announces his nomination of Jim Nicholson for United States Secretary of Veterans Affairs.[113]
  • December 10 – President Bush announces his nomination of Sam Bodman as United States Secretary of Energy in the Roosevelt Room during the morning.[114] President Bush signs Veterans Benefits Improvement Act of 2004 into law, an act meant to benefit American veterans.[115]
  • December 11 – President Bush speaks on his health while talking to reporters during the afternoon.[116]
  • December 13 – President Bush announces the nomination of Mike Leavitt as United States Secretary of Health and Human Services in the Roosevelt Room during the morning.[117]
  • December 14 – President Bush presents the Medal of Freedom in a ceremony in the East Room during the morning.[118]
  • December 15 – President Bush speaks on the abuse of lawsuits at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, D.C. during the afternoon.[119]
  • December 21 – President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush visit families along with their wounded service members in the family at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center.[120]
  • December 24 – President Bush calls several service members on Christmas Eve while at Camp David.[121]
  • December 26 – President Bush issues a statement expressing condolences for the deaths caused by tsunamis and earthquakes by the bay of Bengal.[122]
  • December 29 – President Bush speaks out publicly about the deaths caused by the earthquake and tsunamis in the Indian Ocean and answers questions at the Prairie Chapel Ranch.[123]
  • December 31 – President Bush announces his committing of 350 million to relief efforts for the "disaster around the Indian Ocean".[124]


  1. ^ President Bush Discusses Progress in Education in St. Louis (January 5, 2004)
  2. ^ "Bush calls for changes on illegal workers". CNN. January 8, 2004.
  3. ^ President Discusses 2nd Anniversary of "No Child Left Behind" Act (January 8, 2003)
  4. ^ President Speaks with Women Small Business Owners on the Economy (January 9, 2004)
  5. ^ Statement on Federal Assistance for California (January 13, 2004)
  6. ^ "Bush unveils vision for moon and beyond". CNN. January 15, 2004.
  7. ^ President Bush Delivers State of the Union Address (January 20, 2004)
  8. ^ The President's Address to the Nation (January 24, 2004)
  9. ^ President Bush Calls for Medical Liability Reform (January 26, 2004)
  10. ^ President Bush Discusses Six-Point Economic Plan in New Hampshire (January 29, 2004)
  11. ^ President Discusses Growing Economy with Economists (January 30, 2004)
  12. ^ Statement on Jennifer Dunn (January 31, 2004)
  13. ^ President Bush Discusses Budget After Cabinet Meeting (February 2, 2014)
  14. ^ American Heart Month 2004 (February 2, 2004)
  15. ^ President Bush Meets with U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan (February 3, 2004)
  16. ^ President Bush Discusses Importance of Democracy in Middle East (February 4, 2004)
  17. ^ President Discusses Economy, Urges Congress to Make Tax Cuts Permanent (February 19, 2004)
  18. ^ Remarks by the President to the National Governors Association (February 23, 2004)
  19. ^ President Calls for Constitutional Amendment Protecting Marriage (February 24, 2004)
  20. ^ President Discusses the Economy in Kentucky (February 26, 2004)
  21. ^ President Bush Welcomes German Chancellor Schroeder to White House (February 27, 2004)
  22. ^ President Bush Urges Haitians to Reject Violence (February 29, 2004)
  23. ^ "Statement by the President on FSC/ETI Legislation". georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov. March 1, 2004.
  24. ^ "President assails Kerry on flip-flops". Washington Times. March 3, 2004.
  25. ^ "Some 9/11 families want Bush ads yanked". CNN. March 6, 2004.
  26. ^ "U.S. to hit Syria with sanctions". CNN. March 10, 2004.
  27. ^ "President Bush Condemns Terrorist Bombings in Spain". georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov. March 11, 2004.
  28. ^ "Remarks by the President at Bush-Cheney 2004 Reception". georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov. March 11, 2004.
  29. ^ President Bush Welcomes Prime Minister Ahern for St. Patrick's Day (March 17, 2004)
  30. ^ "Bush hails 'day of deliverance' for Iraq". CNN. March 20, 2004.
  31. ^ President's Radio Address (March 27, 2004)
  32. ^ President Discusses Jobs and Economy in Wisconsin (March 30, 2004)
  33. ^ President Bush Signs Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (April 1, 2004)
  34. ^ "Bush hails jobs numbers, economy". CNN. April 2, 2004.
  35. ^ President Bush Discusses Strengthening Economy in Weekly Radio Address (April 3, 2004)
  36. ^ President Discusses Economy and Job Training in North Carolina (April 5, 2004)
  37. ^ President Bush Discusses Iraq in Saturday Morning Radio Address (April 10, 2004)
  38. ^ President Discusses Tax Relief in Iowa (April 15, 2004)
  39. ^ Bush, Blair Discuss Sharon Plan; Future of Iraq in Press Conference (April 16, 2004)
  40. ^ President Announces Intention to Nominate Ambassador to Iraq (April 19, 2004)
  41. ^ President Outlines Path for Lasting Prosperity in Wednesday Speech (April 21, 2004)
  42. ^ President Unveils Tech Initiatives for Energy, Health Care, Internet (April 26, 2004)
  43. ^ President Bush Touts Benefits of Health Care Information Technology (April 27, 2004)
  44. ^ President Bush Meets with the 9/11 Commission on Thursday (April 29, 2004)
  45. ^ President Bush Welcomes Canadian Prime Minister Martin to White House (April 30, 2004)
  46. ^ President's Radio Address (May 1, 2004)
  47. ^ Dr. Condoleezza Rice Discusses Iraq and the Middle East (May 3, 2004)
  48. ^ President Bush Meets with Al Arabiya Television on Wednesday (May 5, 2004)
  49. ^ President Speaks at Brown v Board of Education Natl Historic Site (May 17, 2004)
  50. ^ President Speaks to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (May 18, 2004)
  51. ^ President Bush Meets with Greek Prime Minister Karamanlis (May 20, 2004)
  52. ^ President Delivers Commencement Address at Louisiana State (May 21, 2004)
  53. ^ Remarks by the Vice President at a Reception for 2004 State Victory Committee (May 24, 2004)
  54. ^ "Bush compares Iraq, terror wars to World War II". CNN. June 3, 2004.
  55. ^ "Tenet: Resigning with head 'very, very high'". CNN. June 3, 2004.
  56. ^ "Bush taps Danforth for U.N. ambassador post". CNN. June 4, 2004.
  57. ^ "Bush, Chirac seek to ease Iraq row". CNN. June 6, 2004.
  58. ^ "Bush: America would do it again". CNN. June 7, 2004.
  59. ^ President Bush's Eulogy at Funeral Service for President Reagan (June 11, 2004)
  60. ^ President Bush Salutes President Reagan in Radio Address (June 12, 2004)
  61. ^ Statement on Federal Assistance for Missouri (June 13, 2004)
  62. ^ "The President's News Conference With Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom in Istanbul". presidency.ucsb.edu. June 28, 2004.
  63. ^ "U.S. renews diplomatic ties with Libya". CNN. June 28, 2004.
  64. ^ "Bush rebuff to Chirac over Turkey". CNN. June 29, 2004.
  65. ^ President Commemorates 40th Anniversary of Civil Rights Act (July 1, 2004)
  66. ^ President's Remarks on the Economy to Small Business Owners (July 2, 2004)
  67. ^ President Bush Discusses Progress in the War on Terror (July 12, 2004)
  68. ^ President Bush Signs African Growth and Opportunity Act (July 13, 2004)
  69. ^ President Bush Nominates Congressman Goss as Director of CIA (August 10, 2004)
  70. ^ President's Remarks to the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (August 12, 2004)
  71. ^ Statement by the President (August 13, 2004)
  72. ^ Dr. Rice Addresses War on Terror (August 19, 2004)
  73. ^ "Bush campaign denies 'smear tactics'". CNN. August 22, 2004.
  74. ^ Vice President's Remarks at a Victory 2004 Rally in Pottsville, Pennsylvania (August 25, 2004)
  75. ^ President's Remarks at Wheeling, West Virginia Rally (April 23, 2017)
  76. ^ Loughlin, Sean (August 30, 2004). "McCain praises Bush as 'tested'". CNN.
  77. ^ Remarks by the President of the American Legion (August 31, 2004)
  78. ^ Barrett, Bob (September 17, 2004). "Hurricane Ivan 10 Years Later - Cleaning Up And Moving Forward".
  79. ^ "McCain: Bush not straight enough on Iraq". CNN. September 19, 2004.
  80. ^ "Kerry: Bush's Iraq policy has endangered U.S." CNN. September 21, 2004.
  81. ^ President Bush and Prime Minister Allawi Press Conference (September 23, 2004)
  82. ^ President's Remarks in "Focus on Education with President Bush" Event (September 27, 2004)
  83. ^ President Thanks Volunteers for Helping Hurricane Victims (September 30, 2004)
  84. ^ Remarks by President Bush and Senator Kerry in First 2004 Presidential Debate (October 1, 2004)
  85. ^ President Signs Tax Relief Bill Benefiting Millions of Families (October 4, 2004)
  86. ^ Statement on House and Senate Resolutions (October 5, 2004)
  87. ^ Remarks of Vice President Cheney and Senator Edwards in Vice Presidential Debate (October 6, 2004)
  88. ^ President Bush Discusses Iraq Report (October 7, 2004)
  89. ^ President's Remarks at a Victory 2004 Rally in Colorado Springs, Colorado (October 12, 2004)
  90. ^ President's Remarks in the Villages, Florida (October 19, 2004)
  91. ^ President Bush on Friday: "We Will Not be Intimidated" (October 29, 2004)
  92. ^ "Bush meets with Cabinet". CNN. November 4, 2004.
  93. ^ "Bush vows to work with Democrats". CNN. November 5, 2004.
  94. ^ Washington Post. "Bush Adviser On Iraq Policy To Step Down" by Glenn Kessler. November 6, 2004.
  95. ^ "Ashcroft, Evans quit in Cabinet shakeup". CNN Money. November 9, 2004.
  96. ^ "Bush attorney general pick is Alberto Gonzales". CNN. November 11, 2004.
  97. ^ "Gonzales nomination angers abortion foes". CNN. November 11, 2004.
  98. ^ "Bush welcomes ally Blair to White House". CNN. March 19, 2017.
  99. ^ "Bush vows to work for Palestinian state". CNN. November 12, 2004.
  100. ^ "Bush: U.S. forces 'taking back' Falluja". CNN. November 13, 2004.
  101. ^ "Cheney leaves hospital after tests on heart". CNN. November 13, 2004.
  102. ^ "Powell resigns with three other Cabinet secretaries". CNN. November 15, 2004.
  103. ^ Ensor, David (November 15, 2004). "Top leaders of CIA's clandestine service resign". CNN.
  104. ^ "Bush picks Rice to succeed Powell". CNN. November 17, 2004.
  105. ^ "Bush picks Spellings for education secretary". CNN. November 17, 2004.
  106. ^ "President's Remarks at the Clinton Presidential Center Dedication". georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov. November 18, 2004.
  107. ^ "Bush hopes to strengthen ties with Latin America, Asia". November 20, 2004.
  108. ^ "Bush: 'Our two peoples are one family'". CNN. December 1, 2004.
  109. ^ "Bush: Iraq vote shouldn't be delayed". CNN. December 2, 2004.
  110. ^ White House 2004 Holiday Theme Is "A Season of Merriment and Melody" (December 2, 2004)
  111. ^ "Bush nominates Kerik for Homeland Security". CNN. December 3, 2004.
  112. ^ "Leaders say Pakistan-U.S. ties still strong". CNN. December 4, 2004.
  113. ^ President Nominates Jim Nicholson as the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (December 9, 2004)
  114. ^ President Nominates Sam Bodman as Secretary of Energy (December 10, 2004)
  115. ^ President's Statement on the Veterans Benefits Improvement Act of 2004 (December 10, 2004)
  116. ^ President's Remarks to Press Pool (December 11, 2004)
  117. ^ President Bush Nominates Mike Leavitt as Secretary of HHS (December 13, 2004)
  118. ^ President Presents Medal of Freedom (December 14, 2004)
  119. ^ President Discusses Lawsuit Abuse at White House Economy Conference (December 15, 2004)
  120. ^ President and Mrs. Bush Visit with Soldiers and Their Families (December 21, 2004)
  121. ^ President Bush Makes Christmas Eve Telephone Calls to Members of the Armed Forces (December 24, 2004)
  122. ^ Statement on Bay of Bengal Earthquake and Tsunami (December 26, 2004)
  123. ^ President Discusses Support for Earthquake and Tsunami Victims (December 29, 2004)
  124. ^ President Commits $350 Million for Tsunami Relief Efforts (December 31, 2004)

See also

U.S. presidential administration timelines
Preceded by Bush presidency (2004) Succeeded by

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Gunnison Airport redirects here. For the airport in Utah, see Salina-Gunnison Airport. AirportGunnison-Crested Butte Regional AirportThe terminal building in 2014IATA: GUCICAO: KGUCFAA LID: GUCSummaryAirport typePublicOwnerCounty of GunnisonServesGunnison, ColoradoElevation AMSL7,680 ft / 2,341 mCoordinates38°32′02″N 106°55′59″W / 38.53389°N 106.93306°W / 38.53389; -106.93306MapGUCLocation of airport in ColoradoShow map of ColoradoGUCGUC (the...


This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Saint-Maurice Wildlife Reserve – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (May 2014) (Learn how and when to remove this message) Saint-Maurice Wildlife ReserveLocationMekinac Regional County Municipality, Quebec, CanadaNearest cityShawiniganCoordinates4...

The 107th United States Congress began on January 3, 2001. There were eleven new senators (nine Democrats, two Republicans) and 41 representatives (28 Republicans, 13 Democrats), as well as one new delegate (a Democrat) at the start of the first session. Additionally, four senators (three Republicans, one third party member) and nine representatives (three Democrats, six Republicans) took office on various dates in order to fill vacancies during the 107th Congress before it ended on January ...


يفتقر محتوى هذه المقالة إلى الاستشهاد بمصادر. فضلاً، ساهم في تطوير هذه المقالة من خلال إضافة مصادر موثوق بها. أي معلومات غير موثقة يمكن التشكيك بها وإزالتها. (ديسمبر 2018) منتخب تونس في كأس ديفيز البلد تونس  تعديل مصدري - تعديل   المنتخب التونسي المشارك في كأس ديفيز هو منت�...


Battle in 1206 in the Balkans This article includes a list of references, related reading, or external links, but its sources remain unclear because it lacks inline citations. Please help improve this article by introducing more precise citations. (August 2013) (Learn how and when to remove this message) Battle of RusionPart of Bulgarian–Latin warsBulgaria under KaloyanDate31 January 1206LocationRuskoyResult Bulgarian victoryBelligerents Bulgarian Empire Latin EmpireCommanders and leaders K...

Experimental fusion reactor, first to hit 75 million degrees PLTPrinceton Large TorusThe PLT in 1975. Toroidal coils are visible in green.Device typeTokamakLocationPrinceton, New Jersey, United StatesAffiliationPrinceton Plasma Physics LaboratoryTechnical specificationsMajor radius1.32 m (4 ft 4 in)Minor radius0.4 m (1 ft 4 in)Magnetic field4 T (40,000 G)Heating power5 MW (ICRH) 3 MW (NBI) 1 MW (LH)Plasma current700 kAHistoryDate(s) ...


  此條目介紹的是中国前体操运动员。关于中国前国务院总理李鹏之子,请见「李小鹏 (政治人物)」。 此條目需要补充更多来源。 (2023年1月17日)请协助補充多方面可靠来源以改善这篇条目,无法查证的内容可能會因為异议提出而被移除。致使用者:请搜索一下条目的标题(来源搜索:李小鹏 (体操运动员) — 网页、新闻、书籍、学术、图像),以检查网络上是否存...