Grassland community in southeastern Australia
Themeda grassland , or Themeda grassland on seacliffs and headlands , is an endangered tussock -grassland that is found on the immediate coast in southeastern Australia, which may also be an open shrubland or heathland with a grassy enclosure between shrubs.[ 1]
Themeda australis is the predominant grass species in the area with interspersed shrubs such as Pimelea linifolia , Banksia integrifolia , Hibbertia vestita , Pultenaea maritima , Westringia fruticosa , Acacia sophorae and Acacia myrtifolia , with some having dwarf forms.[ 1]
Grasses such as Zoysia macarantha and Cynodon dactylon can also be found. Poa poiformis is mostly present closer to the sea. Herbs include the creeping Polymeria calycina , the succulent Apium prostratum , Senecio pinnatifolius subsp. pinnatifolius and Xerochrysum bracteatum .[ 2]
The ecological community is observed in the NSW North Coast , Sydney Basin and South East Corner bioregion on ancient sand dunes above cliffs. The community is most prominently found in Long Reef Headland, Narrabeen Headland, Botany Bay National Park , Turimetta Headland and Mona Vale Headland.[ 1]
See also
Native Sydney bushland – Indigenous vegetation communities
Critically endangered Threatened Other