The Castlereagh Scribbly Gum and Agnes Banks Woodlands is an endangered sclerophyll low-woodland and shrubland community found in western Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.[1] Vegetation comprises low woodlands with sclerophyllous shrubs and an uneven ground layer of graminoids and forbs.
Originally at 615 hectares, it is a low woodland community measuring at only 98 hectares, where it is mostly found near Agnes Banks on the east side of the Hawkesbury River in the Penrith area. Parts of it are preserved at the Agnes Banks Nature Reserve, near Richmond. It is mostly found on the Cumberland Plain on flat or mildly undulating terrain on valley floors, in the Castlereagh area in the north-west, with minor presence near Holsworthy just outside the Cumberland Plain, Kemps Creek and Longneck Lagoon.[2]
Having low nutrient soils, it sits on wind-blown sand over the TertiaryAlluvium deposits from the Hawkesbury-Nepean River system, in areas that receives 700–900 mm annual rainfall.[2] The community morphs into the smaller, Castlereagh Swamp Woodland, a very proximate community which lies on poorly draining clay soils.[3]