Measurement given in The Scale of the Universe
Measurement given in The Scale of the Universe 2
1012 meters
1012 meters
V382 Carinae
1012 meters
V838 Monocerotis
1.1 × 1012 meters
1.4 × 1012 meters
1.3 × 1012 meters
Mu Cephei
1.9 × 1012 meters
1.9 × 1012 meters
KY Cygni
2 × 1012 meters
2 × 1012 meters
V354 Cephei
2.1 × 1012 meters
2.1 × 1012 meters
VV Cephei A
2.4 × 1012 meters
2.4 × 1012 meters
2.8 × 1012 meters
2.8 × 1012 meters
VY Canis Majoris
3 × 1012 meters
3 × 1012 meters
Distance from Neptune to the Sun
4.5 × 1012 meters
Distance from Pluto to the Sun
5.9 × 1012 meters
Kuiper Belt
1.5 × 1013 meters
1.5 × 1013 meters
Distance from Voyager 1 to Earth
1.7 × 1013 meters
Homunculus Nebula
2 × 1013 meters
2 × 1013 meters
2.6 × 1013 meters
Distance from Comet Hale-Bopp to Sun (farthest)
5.5 × 1013 meters
Distance from Sedna to Sun (farthest)
1.4 × 1014 meters
Stingray Nebula
3 × 1014 meters
8 × 1014 meters
1015 meters
1015 meters
Distance from Proxima Centauri to Alpha Centauri A
1.5 × 1015 meters
1.5 × 1015 meters
Gomez's Hamburger
2.5 × 1015 meters
Cat's Eye Nebula
3.5 × 1015 meters
2.5 × 1015 meters
Hourglass Nebula
3 × 1015 meters
Blinking Nebula
4.5 × 1015 meters
Light year
9.5 × 1015 meters
1016 meters
Rotten Egg Nebula
1 light year 1.4 × 1016 meters
Ring Nebula
1.3 × 1016 meters
2 light years 1.7 × 1016 meters
Oort cloud
1.5 × 1015 meters
2 light years 2 × 1016 meters
Horsehead Nebula
2 × 1016 meters
2 light years 2 × 1016 meters
Ant Nebula
2 light years 2 × 1016 meters
Eskimo Nebula
2 light years 2 × 1016 meters
Boomerang Nebula
2 light years 2.1 × 1016 meters
Helix Nebula
3 × 1016 meters
3 light years 3 × 1016 meters
3 light years 3.3 × 1016 meters
Distance from the Sun to Proxima Centauri
4 × 1016 meters
4 light years 4.2 × 1016 meters
Bubble Nebula
7 light years 7 × 1016 meters
Cone Nebula
8 light years 8 × 1016 meters
Pillars of Creation
9.5 × 1016 meters
10 light years 1017 meters
Crab Nebula
7 × 1016 meters
11 light years 1.1 × 1017 meters
The Spire
20 light years 2 × 1017 meters
Orion Nebula
2 × 1017 meters
24 light years 2.4 × 1017 meters
Solar System's solar neighborhood
4 × 1017 meters
North America Nebula
40 light years 4 × 1017 meters
Messier 14
5 × 1017 meters
Great Nebula in Carina
60 light years 6 × 1017 meters
Cave Nebula
70 light years 7 × 1017 meters
Eagle Nebula
70 light years 7 × 1017 meters
Rosette Nebula
6.5 × 1017 meters
100 light years 1018 meters
1018 meters
1018 meters
Lagoon Nebula
110 light years 1.1 × 1018 meters
Omega Centauri
1018 meters
150 light years 1.5 × 1018 meters
Messier 54
1.5 × 1018 meters
300 light years 3 × 1018 meters
Barnard's Loop
300 light years 3 × 1018 meters
Tarantula Nebula
5 × 1018 meters
600 light years 6 × 1018 meters
Leo II
2,000 light years 2 × 1019 meters
Messier 87 relativistic jets
5 × 1019 meters
Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy
5,000 light years 5 × 1019 meters
Canes Venatici I
6,500 light years 6.5 × 1019 meters
Small Magellanic Cloud
3.5 × 1019 meters
7,000 light years 7 × 1019 meters
Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy
1019 meters
10,000 light years 1020 meters
Large Magellanic Cloud
7.5 × 1019 meters
14,000 light years 1.4 × 1020 meters
NGC 3310
22,000 light years 2.2 × 1020 meters
NGC 7714
3.5 × 1020 meters
5 × 1020 meters
50,000 light years 5 × 1020 meters
Sombrero Galaxy
7 × 1020 meters
50,000 light years 5 × 1020 meters
Black Eye Galaxy
8.5 × 1020 meters
1021 meters
1021 meters
Milky Way
1.2 × 1021 meters
120,000 light years 1.2 × 1021 meters
1.5 × 1021 meters
150,000 light years 1.5 × 1021 meters
Cartwheel Galaxy
150,000 light years 1.5 × 1021 meters
Pinwheel Galaxy
1.8 × 1021 meters
170,000 light years 1.7 × 1021 meters
Whirlpool Galaxy
180,000 light years 1.8 × 1021 meters
NGC 1232
2 × 1021 meters
220,000 light years 2.2 × 1021 meters
Virgo A
2.5 × 1021 meters
250,000 light years 2.5 × 1021 meters
Tadpole Galaxy
300,000 light years 3 × 1021 meters
Distance Earth has traveled relative to the sun
450,000 light years 4.5 × 1021 meters
NGC 4889
5 × 1021 meters
500,000 light years 5 × 1021 meters
Distance to Andromeda
2 million light years 2 × 1022 meters
IC 1101
5 × 1022 meters
5 million light years 5 × 1022 meters
Abell 2029
6 million light years 6 × 1022 meters
Local Group
4 × 1022 meters
10 million light years 1022 meters
Fornax Cluster
20 million light years 2 × 1023 meters
Virgo Cluster
1.55 × 1023 meters
30 million light years 3 × 1023 meters
1024 meters
1024 meters
Virgo Supercluster
1.5 × 1024 meters
110 million light years 1.1 × 1024 meters
Distance to the Great Attractor
250 million light years 2.5 × 1024 meters
Eridanus Supervoid
500 million light years 5 × 1024 meters
Distance to the Shapley Supercluster
650 million light years 6.5 × 1024 meters
Pisces-Cetus Supercluster Complex
1 billion light years 1025 meters
Sloan Great Wall
1.3 billion light years 1.3 × 1025 meters
3.3 billion light years 3.3 × 1025 meters
Distance to the Hubble Deep Field
12.7 billion light years 1.27 × 1026 meters
Observable universe
1.4 × 1026 meters
93.4 billion light years 9.34 × 1026 meters
Estimated size of the universe
9.3 × 1026 meters
160 billion light years 1.6 × 1027 meters