The play is set in British Malaya in 1942, during the Battle of Malaya. The characters are a patrol of British Army soldiers; the play's events take place in an abandoned hut in the middle of the Malayan jungle. Tension rises as the patrol's radio malfunctions and a Japanese soldier stumbles upon them.
Private P. 'Smudger' Smith - A Northerner, a quiet, family man (Bryan Pringle)
Private Samuel 'Sammy' Whitaker - A Geordie, the youngest member of the patrol and its radio operator, very nervy (David Andrews)
Japanese Soldier - Doesn't speak at any point during the play, but still plays a major role (Kenji Takaki)
Albert Finney was originally cast as the North Country Private Bamforth but due to appendicitis he was replaced by the then unknown O'Toole, who turned the character into a Cockney. O'Toole's understudy (who never went on) was Michael Caine.[5] Caine later played O'Toole's role on a Scottish tour of the play with Frank Finlay as Sergeant Mitchem and Terence Stamp as Whitaker.[6]
Television adaptation
A 30 minute excerpt of the play was filmed for British TV in 1959 with the play's original cast.[7][8]