The series revolves around a little girl named Leslie McGroarty who is befriended by a four-eyed spider named Itsy, and two adversaries, the Exterminator and her teacher Adrienne. The series focuses mainly on the Exterminator's futile attempts to rid the world of the arachnid pest his job calls for.
Leslie McGroarty (voiced by Francesca Marie Smith) is a perky, imagination, cute and playful young city girl. Leslie loves things like bicycling, skateboarding, studying karate, bugs, eating candy and other tomboysih things. Leslie has short black hair. She wears circular shaped glasses, a light blue dress with puffed sleeves and a red belt, white socks and black Mary Jane shoes. Leslie had the magical ability to shrink herself to bug size. She is the protagonist of the series.
Itsy Bitsy (voiced by Frank Welker) is a harmless country spider. He is Leslie's best friend. Itsy Bitsy is also the protagonist of the short film. According to an episode, "Miss Muffet Roughs It", Itsy was a baby with his parents, living in his country life. Frank Welker also voices Adrienne's evil orange cat, Langston.
Adrienne Van Leydon (voiced by Charlotte Rae) is the main antagonist of the series.
^Erickson, Hal (2005). Television Cartoon Shows: An Illustrated Encyclopedia, 1949 Through 2003 (2nd ed.). McFarland & Co. pp. 436–437. ISBN978-1476665993.
^Crump, William D. (2019). Happy Holidays—Animated! A Worldwide Encyclopedia of Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and New Year's Cartoons on Television and Film. McFarland & Co. p. 221. ISBN9781476672939.