Super Mario World is an animated television series based on the video game of the same name by Nintendo. It is the third series based on the Mario video game series. Thirteen episodes of the show were aired as part of a block with Captain N: The Game Master, called Captain N and the New Super Mario World, on NBC. The animation was provided by Pacific Rim Productions.
The animated series featured the same voice actors who had performed in The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3. Unlike its two predecessors, Toad is completely absent in this series (as he was in the Super Mario World game). An exclusive character not featured in the games called Oogtar, a clumsy caveboy, appears in his place (both characters voiced by John Stocker) and Yoshi appears as one of the main characters in the show. Episodes mainly focused on the Mario Bros. dealing with schemes by King Koopa, and made use of new elements introduced by the video game within the story, though involvement of the "real world" was reduced to mere references for this series. Certain episodes of the series were created to meet the newly implemented guidelines set forth by the Children's Television Act,[3] which failed as NBC ended the practice of Saturday morning cartoons in 1992.[4]
Unlike previous Mario cartoons, the songs featured in Super Mario World were original tracks written exclusively for the series and are kept intact for syndication and home media releases.
In 1992, after finishing its run on NBC, Super Mario World was included as part of the Captain N and the Video Game Masters syndication package by Rysher Entertainment.[8]
Home media
In 1994, Buena Vista Home Video released a VHS tape under their DIC Toon-Time Video label, titled Super Mario Bros. Super Christmas Adventures!, which contained the episode The Night Before Cave Christmas, which was the only episode released on VHS. No other episodes would be formatted on home media until 2007 due to legal complications with the use of the character Yoshi.[citation needed]
After resolving these issues, Shout! Factory and Vivendi Entertainment released a Complete Series DVD set of Captain N and the New Super Mario World in Region 1, featuring all 13 original, uncut broadcast episodes in November 2007. The series has also been released in Australia (Region 4) by MRA Entertainment.
NCircle Entertainment (under license from WildBrain) has also released the series in two volumes. They later released the complete series in one set (without Captain N episodes).[9]
Pidax released the complete series along Captain N: The Game Master Season 3 in Germany (with English audio included) in one boxset.
Release name
Ep #
Release date
Additional information
Super Mario Bros. Super Christmas Adventures!
Buena Vista Home Video (DIC Toon-Time Video)
Captain N and the New Super Mario World - The Complete Series
Shout! Factory
13 November 2007
Select Episode Previews
Storyboard-to-Screen: Opening Title Sequence
Original Concept Art: Yoshi
Super Mario World - Yoshi the Superstar
NCircle Entertainment
29 September 2009
Super Mario World - Koopa's Stone Age Quests
NCircle Entertainment
29 September 2009
Super Mario World: The Complete Series: Collector's Edition
NCircle Entertainment
8 October 2013
Storyboard-to-Screen: Opening Title Sequence
Original Concept Art: Yoshi
As of November 2023, it is available to stream on Paramount+.[10]
In 2006, after British satellite children's channel Pop began airing reruns of the series, the series gained a surge in popularity as being one of the major source materials for YouTube poops alongside the other DIC Mario cartoons, video game Hotel Mario, Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, and multiple games animated by Animation Magic.[11][12] The show produced multiple internet memes, most notably "Mama Luigi", referencing Luigi's quote in the 1991 episode of the same name.[13][14]
In 2017, 227 animators collaborated to reanimate "Mama Luigi" in their own styles. Each of the 255 total scenes featured a unique animation style.[15][16][17] It was dedicated to the memories of Canadian actors Tony Rosato and Harvey Atkin, who voiced Luigi and King Koopa respectively.[18]