The Diary of Ochibi-san (オチビサン, Ochibi-san) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Moyoco Anno. The series was serialized in The Asahi Shimbun newspaper from April 2007 to March 2014, and it moved to the Aera magazine, where it was serialized from April 2014 to December 2019. It was compiled into ten tankōbon volumes by Asahi Shimbun Publishing from August 2008 to June 2021. The series is published digitally in English by Crunchyroll Manga and Azuki. An anime television series adaptation produced by Studio Khara aired from October 2023 to March 2024.
Written and illustrated by Moyoco Anno, The Diary of Ochibi-san was originally published in The Asahi Shimbun newspaper from April 2007 to March 2014. It later moved to Asahi Shumbun's Aera magazine where it continued from April 28, 2014,[3] to December 16, 2019.[4] In March 2014, Crunchyroll Manga began releasing the series digitally in English.[5] In July 2023, Azuki also licensed the series for a digital English release.[6]
A short stop-motionanime adaptation was released online on April 20, 2015, for the Japan Animator Expo project. The short was directed and crowdfunded by Masashi Kawamura and animated by Studio Khara and dwarf.[17]
An anime television series adaptation was announced on September 8, 2023. The series is animated by Studio Khara and directed by Daisuke Onizuka and Shogo Tsurii, with Khara writing and supervising the scripts and Satoru Kōsaki composing the music. It aired on NHK General TV from October 8, 2023 to March 31, 2024, and ran for 24 five-minute episodes.[2]Naotarō Moriyama performed the theme song "Romantic" (ロマンティーク).[18]Medialink licensed the series in Asia-Pacific, and will be streamed on YouTube via Ani-One Asia.[19]
A picture book based on the series, titled Ochibi-san no Himitsu no wa Rappa, was published by Kodansha on May 28, 2014. It was illustrated by Anno and written by Motoko Matsuda.[20]