Kronos, a humanoid extraterrestrial (Richard Yesteran), has been sent to planet Earth in order to help humanity against its own threats. Settling in New York City, he becomes a superhero, Supersonic Man. He confronts nefarious Dr. Gulik (Cameron Mitchell) who plans to take over the world.[3]
José Luis Ayestarán - Kronos / Supersonic (credited as Richard Yesteran)
Supersonic Man was distributed in Spain by Filmayer S.A. on 6 August 1979.[4] It sold 751,696 tickets on its Spanish release.[4]
It was the last film seen on WFLD's version of Svengoolie (titled Son of Svengoolie) before it was cancelled in 1986.
It was also spoofed by RiffTrax on October 11, 2013.[5]