Title was married to writer-actor and Survivor contestant Jonathan Penner, with whom she collaborated on several movies. She first directed Penner in The Last Supper. Together, they wrote the script for the 2003 The WB-produced re-imagining of The Lone Ranger, starring Chad Michael Murray and Nathaniel Arcand. She later directed the 2017 horror film The Bye Bye Man, from a script by Penner. She and Penner were previously developing a King Kong television series for MarVista Entertainment and IM Global Television.[8][9] She was also developing a dark comedy film called Walking Time Bomb following the release of The Bye Bye Man.[10][11]
Personal life
Title grew up in New York, and her father was a commercial producer.[6] She married Jonathan Penner on September 14, 1991;[11] the couple had two children together.[12] Title was a first cousin of Daena Title, who is married to Seinfeld actor Jason Alexander. Alexander introduced Title and Penner when he was acting with Penner in the film White Palace.[13] Alexander was slated to star in Walking Time Bomb before Title's death.[10]
Illness and death
In December 2017, Title was diagnosed with ALS, though she continued to work on Walking Time Bomb despite her illness and though as her illness progressed she was unable to walk, talk or swallow. The film was never completed.[10][6][1]
Title died on January 11, 2021, at the age of 56. Her husband Jonathan Penner announced her death via Twitter.[4]