Thirteen-year-old Amelia Bennett lives with her parents, Steven and Gail, and her ten-year-old sister, Beth, in a comfortable home in a respectable middle-class suburb. For the past couple of years, Amelia has been depressed and withdrawn, and her grades at school have been plummeting. Gail assumes Amelia is simply being a moody teenage girl, however, shame and fear have kept Amelia silent about the sexual molestation she has been suffering at the hands of her father for the past few years. After Steven discovers Amelia is attending a school dance with a boy from her class and the boy has asked Amelia on a date the following Friday, Steven exhibits jealous behaviour akin to that of a husband or boyfriend, rather than her father. After attempting to discourage Amelia from dating boys her age, telling her "no one can like you as much as I do", Amelia starts to believe that Steven might harm her younger sister in similar ways. Going to school she unburdens herself of her awful secret to her guidance counsellor, Mrs. Hall.
Horrified at Amelia's revelation, Mrs. Hall contacts Amelia's mother, takes her home and reveals what Amelia has told her. Confronted with this horrifying piece of news, Gail, refuses to believe it is true, and orders Mrs. Hall to leave. Mrs. Hall notifies the police, who take Amelia into protective custody and assign her a social worker, Ruth Walters, who takes Amelia to a children's home. Steven comes home, unaware of what has happened, and finds a shell-shocked Gail waiting for him. She tells him what Amelia has said and he professes his innocence. He goes to the police station and demands to speak to Amelia, but is told he is not allowed any access to his daughter and will be charged for child abuse. Steven is ordered to leave the family home during the inquest, and Gail is forced to accept Amelia is telling the truth, struggling with a bitter feeling of jealousy that her husband wanted her daughter more than he wanted her, as their marriage has been stagnant for years. Beth is also made to realise that she was her father's next intended victim, and the family is shaken to the core.