In 2004, Enos' illustrated Kimo Armitage's book Akua Hawai`i (The Gods and Goddesses of Hawai`i), which was published through Bishop Museum Press.[2][9] In 2006, Enos illustrated the Epic Tales of Hi`iakaikapoliopele, which was published through Awaiaulu Press.[2] In May 2011, Enos' work was displayed by the National Museum of the American Indian in a multisite exhibit titled "This IS Hawai‘i."[1] In 2016, Enos was featured in the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center's event "CTRL+ALT: A Culture Lab on Imagined Futures."[2][6] In 2017, Enos was awarded a $25,000 grant from the Joan Mitchell Foundation.[10][11] Enos also completed a public mural in Thomas Square.[12] In 2019, a mural that Enos had made in collaboration with five other artists was featured in the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum's exhibition Unreal: Hawai‘i in Popular Imagination.[3] In 2020, Enos was a speaker for the 2020 Hawai'i Climate Conference.[13] In 2022, Enos had their first exhibition at the Hawaiian Center Art Gallery.[14] They also spoke at a virtual event hosted by the Hawaii State Public Library System called "Hawaiian Sci-fi with Solomon Enos."[15] From July 2022 to May 2023, a series of Enos' paintings titled "Mo‘olelo Archetypes" were on display at the Pitt River Museum in Oxford, England.[16] The paintings from "Mo‘olelo Archetypes" focused on the epiic Hawaiian myth of Hiʻiakaikapoliopele.[16] From January 17 to March 18, 2023, Enos' work was featured alongside nine other artists including Bernice Akamine in an exhibit titled ‘Ike Kanaka at the Maui Arts & Cultural Center's Schaefer International Gallery.[17]