The Times of India critic gave the series 3.5 stars, saying, “ ‘Shekhar Home,’ created by Aniruddha Guha and Sriijit Mukherji, and directed by Mukherji and Rohan Sippy, is a compelling series inspired by Arthur Conan Doyle's ‘Sherlock Holmes’. The creators have excelled in crafting a world that captivates from the very first frame.”[8]
In another 3.5 star-rated review, the India Today critic Trisha Bhattacharya said, “The screenplay is tight, with well-researched cases and dialogues that stay true to the spirit of Doyle's stories. The Bengali representation is top-notch.”[9]
In her review for Scroll, critic Nandini Ramnath said, “Breezy and irreverent, Shekhar Home's attitude is best captured by its high-performing hero's high-pitched giggle whenever a breakthrough occurs. Menon's detective is brilliant without being overbearing, a genial class topper rather than an insufferable genius.”[10]
The Livemint review called Shekhar Home a deft Conan Doyle adaptation. “The adaptation of Doyle's stories (originally written in the late 1800s) by Srijit Mukherji and Aniruddha Guha skillfully integrates classic detective elements into an Indian context.”[11]
The Free Press Journal rated the series 3.5 stars, and said: “This is a well-crafted series that offers a nostalgic ride through the labyrinthine mysteries of 1990s.”[12]