BBC Studios Science Unit BBC Studios Factual Entertainment Productions BBC Studios Music Productions BBC Studios Entertainment Productions BBC Studios Continuing Drama Productions BBC Studios Natural History Unit BBC Studios Event Productions BBC Studios Documentary Unit BBC Studios Drama Productions BBC Studios Comedy Productions BBC Studios Kids & Family Productions BBC Studios Specialist Factual Productions
BBC Studios Productions Limited[1][2] is a British content production company and is BBC Studios' national production division, producing a wide range of programmes from things like Top Gear to Strictly Come Dancing. BBC Studios Productions is responsible for producing programmes while BBC Studios is in charge of ventures like UKTV and the distribution and selling of formats of BBC programmes. BBC Studios Productions is the biggest content producer in the United Kingdom.[3]
The BBC Studios Science Unit has produced a wide range of scientific programmes for multiple broadcasters. The department is headed up by Andrew Cohen and is overseen by the Factual Managing Director Tom McDonald.
Cook Clever, Waste Less with Prue and Rupy (Channel 4)
Perpetual Planet: Heros of the Oceans (National Geographic)
BBC Studios Factual Entertainment Productions
BBC Studios Factual Entertainment Productions is responsible for delivering entertaining and enriching programmes. The Factual Entertainment productions is headed by Naomi Carter and is overseen by managing director of Factual Entertainment and Events Hannah Wyatt.
BBC Studios Music Productions is the production arm of BBC Studios Productions responsible for music-related commissions. The BBC Studios Music Productions is headed by James Payne and is overseen by Entertainment and Music Managing Director Suzy Lamb.
BBC Studios Entertainment Productions produces titles such as Children in Need and Strictly Come Dancing. BBC Studios Entertainment Productions is headed by Mel Balac and is overseen by Entertainment and Music Managing Director Suzy Lamb.
The BBC Studios Events Productions unit focuses primarily on events of significance across the UK and was the primary and sole source of all coronation footage which was covered in Ultra-high-definition and distributed to broadcasters domestically and worldwide.