Saint-Jean de Passy (known as "le Pensionnat de Passy"[1] between 1905 and 1911, and "le Pensionnat diocésain de Passy" between 1911 and its second change of name in the 1930s) is a private Catholic school located in the 16th arrondissement of Paris. It enrolls students from the first to the twelfth grades, as well as a small number of postgraduates.
This new school was granted diocesan tutelage by Archbishop Léon-Adolphe Amette in 1911,[3] and became known as "le Pensionnat diocésain de Passy". After the Archdiocese of Paris helped the school avoid bankruptcy by purchasing shares of the school management company in 1933, the school renamed itself "Saint-Jean de Passy" in tribute to Archbishop Jean Verdier.
The primary school was opened to girls in 1981. Middle school classes for girls were set in 2001, as well as mixed high school classes later in the decade, the latest all-boy high school classes graduating in 2007.