Directed by Jane Botta and produced by GMMTV together with Bear House Production, the series was one of the six television series for 2017 showcased by GMMTV in their "6 Natures+" event on 2 March 2017.[2] It premiered on One31 and LINE TV on 9 December 2017, airing on Saturdays at 22:15 ICT (previously, at 22:00 ICT for the first four episodes) and 23:15 ICT (previously, at 23:00 ICT for the first four episodes), respectively.[3][4] The series concluded on 10 March 2018.[5]
Fast forward 2 years from the events in SOTUS: The Series, Kongphop (Prachaya Ruangroj) is now the head hazer in his faculty, while Arthit (Perawat Sangpotirat) works at a company called Ocean Electric. During Kongphop's final year, he needs to find an internship company and requests to work alongside Arthit over his family's company, unbeknownst to Arthit. After an outing with the company, tensions rise between the two, and both will have to decide their future.