Directed by Aof Noppharnach and produced by GMMTV, the series was one of the thirteen television series for 2019 launched by GMMTV in their "Wonder Th13teen" event on 5 November 2018.[1][2] It premiered on GMM 25 and LINE TV on 12 October 2019, airing on Saturdays at 21:25 ICT and 23:00 ICT, respectively. The series concluded on 28 December 2019.[3][4][5]
Taking off from the Kiss Me Again series, Pete (Tawan Vihokratana) and Kao (Thitipoom Techaapaikhun), who is still closeted from his mother, have grown closer to each other in their relationship. As his sister goes to college, Kao contributes to his family's finances by taking on part-time tutoring for high school students. The director of the school where his mom works asks Kao to tutor his son, Non (Chayapol Jutamas), after hearing that he is a good tutor. Pete crosses paths with Non in a competition and pisses him off after learning that Kao is tutoring him. With Non fueling Pete's jealousy, his relationship with Kao gets tested in several occasions.
Sun (Supakorn Sriphotong), who was pursuing Kao before, has been nagging Mork (Gawin Caskey) for dragging his younger brother, Rain (Pluem Pongpisal), into his troubles. To help Mork change his life, Sun offers Mork a job in his café. Along the way, the two of them start to care for each other. However, with Mork's dangerous life still troubling him, Sun makes it clear that he is there because he cares for him.
On 24 December 2019, GMMTV announced a fan meeting event dubbed as "POLCA The Journey: Tay & New 1st Fan Meeting in Thailand" scheduled for 21 March 2020 at Chaengwattana Hall, CentralPlaza Chaengwattana featuring the series' main casts.[11][12] However, due to COVID-19 pandemic concerns, the said event was postponed and was rescheduled twice to 1 August 2020[13] and later to 28 November 2020.[14] A month prior to the new date of the fan meeting event, GMMTV announced on 21 October 2020 that it will now be scheduled for 20 February 2021 and will be made available to fans outside of Thailand via V Live on the same date. The venue has also been moved to the Union Hall of Union Mall.[15]
Thailand television ratings
In the table below, the blue number represents the lowest rating and the red numbers represent the highest ratings.
Japan – The series will premiere on 12 October 2020 at 23:00 JST on SKY PerfecTV!. Succeeding episodes will be released every Mondays thereafter. For J:COM [jp], only the first episode will be aired for free.[31]