The Royal Air Forces Escaping Society, was a UK-based charitable organization formed in 1946 to provide help to those in the former occupied countries in World War II who put their lives at risk to assist and save members of the "Royal Air Forces" (that is, Air Forces of the British Commonwealth) who were attempting to escape and evade capture.
The society was based at the Duke of York's Headquarters, London and had the Latin motto Solvitur ambulando (solved by walking). It helped the widows, dependents and orphans of those who died and those requiring medical treatment or otherwise in need. It also fostered continued friendship between escapers and evaders and their helpers. Air Chief MarshalSir Basil Embry was the president of the RAFES from its formation until the 1970s.
^Inscription, with translation:"Let us remember those who helped us in our hour of need/Passer-by, remember Doctor Michallon/Under the enemy occupation this eminent surgeon 'Buridan' of the Grésivaudan maquis courageously donated his care not only to maquisards but also to allied airmen who had been shot down and had escaped in the region/This tree was planted to his glorious memory on 28 August 1976/Royal Air Forces Escaping Society"