The film revolves around humans' fallacy of believing in fortune, written by Brahma, to attribute their guilts. Chittibabu ranks first in it, and his turtle dove is Satyambhama. Chitti is credulous that they are splitting for several births, and the Lord has cursed in this, too, and generated them in different castes. Plus, he is constantly under the hallucination of viewing Brahma, who is hindering their nuptial. Following this, their parents, Chowdary & Sastry, share the same compound as besties. Though the two live warmly, they adhere to their customs, & beliefs where they conflict. Sastry fixes Satya's alliance with nephew Mohan, a veterinary doctor. He also faces adversity by loving a Christian girl named Jyothi, the daughter of David Gopal Rao & Mary. Regardless, Gopal Rao accepts their union, which Mary opposes.
Meanwhile, Chitti takes several steps to discard Mohan by suffocating him with multiple matches. In that sticky situation, Mohan pleads to Satya to showcase romance with him to run from these, which she does. Then, Chitti calls Jyothi, who moves with Gopal Rao's slick trick on Mary. Whereat, she suspects, but Satya resolves it. Mohan creates the entry of Jyothi with a sham, and she acquires his headstrong father, Ugranarasimham's confidence. Concurrently, Sastry conforms to Satya's engagement with Mohan. Since there is no choice, the love birds elope, which collapses their parents. Chitti & Satya walk to conjoin at the registered office and their respective caste associations, but at every level, they are scorned. Ultimately, Abyudaya Samajam is the association of progressive society that organizes their tie.
Parallelly, Mohan's show explodes with Mary's arrival, and they are detached. Defying it, Mohan & Jyothi step forward and splice with Gopal Rao's cooperation, and he also coaxes Mary. Now, Chowdary & Sastry detect & split the lovers when they attempt suicide but survive and are prosecuted for it. At the judiciary level, Chitti states that Brahma is the critical factor in the whole setback. Thus, Brahma appears to proclaim that he does not sculpt any caste system; it is just a barrier built by humans that took a dark path. Moreover, he prohibits himself from their fate, which depends on their willpower. As a flabbergast, it is all Chitti's dream when he cuts off his idiocy and sets foot with Satya, confronting elders. During wedlock, their parents obstruct contracting a barrier with their caste patriarchies. Hereupon, Chitti combats these prejudices & social abuses, which Mohan & Jyothi also support. At last, Chowdary & Sastry admit their guilt, enlightening that love is more majestic than caste & clan. Finally, the movie ends happily with the marriage of Chitti Babu & Satyabhama.