The film begins with two best friends, Rambabu and Suribabu, who are tenants in the house of Gopalam, a hound playing instruments, and his wife Kantham, who pesters by hugging everyone who remembers their deceased son Chitti. Rambabu gets acquainted with Shanti and falls for her. Simultaneously, Suribabu loves a girl, Seeta, who suffers from family dysfunction. Suribabu works to tackle the problem, which never ends. After completing her studies, Shanti returns to her village. Rambabu and Suribabu fail to detect her and return to their hometowns. Here, Suribabu notices Shanti as his neighbor and informs Rambabu. Rambabu's father, Ranganatham fixes his alliance with his best friend Jaganatham's daughter, i.e. Shanti only. Being incognizant of it, Rambabu refuses the match and challenges his father to succeed in his love within six months. Rambabu lands at Suribabu's village and proposes to Shanti, which she denies as she loathes the love and affirms an arranged marriage.
Rambabu decides to inspire her parents when he learns Jaganatham is a martinet atheist, and his wife Subbalakshmi is an adherent devotee. Rambabu engraves[clarification needed] in both ways. Soon after, he discovers Jaganatham's assumption that he must like his parents too. Thus, Rambabu concocts Gopalam and Kantham as his parents and gets in. Thereupon, Rambabu confronts Shanti to couple up her with elders' acceptance. Accordingly, she aims to bring out his reality. After a few comic incidents, a clash arises between Jaganatham and Ranganatham, and they call off the match. Jaganatham decides to perform Shanti's espousal with Rambabu. Before, he tests his character with the help of Chakrapani. Shanti understands Rambabu's virtue. As a closing, Jaganatham announces Shanti's nuptials with Chakrapani, to which Rambabu agrees. Exploiting it, Chakrapani's swindler father, Narayana prints the wedding cards. During that plight, Rambabu makes a play and teaches a lesson to Narayana. Eventually, Jaganatham realizes Rambabu is Ranganatham's son, and they reunite. Finally, the movie ends on a happy note with the marriage of Rambabu and Shanti.