Giving the right of self-determination to the inhabitants of Vilnius, a population devoid of culture, would mean giving an opportunity to agitators to fool people. The thing is to unite former branches with the old trunk. Based on that, we draw the border far beyond Vilnius, near Ašmena. Lyda County [lt] is also Lithuanian...[1]
During the Interwar period Klimas published a number of scholarly works in Lithuanian and German language, including Russisch Litauen (Russian Lithuania), a study of Russian rule of Lithuania from 1795 to 1915; Der Werdegang des litauischen Staates (The Development of the Lithuanian State), describing the emergence of the Lithuanian state from 1915 to 1918; and Lietuvos žemės valdymo istorija (History of land ownership in Lithuania).
While he was serving on a diplomatic mission to Paris in 1940, the Lithuanian Legation was turned over to the Soviet Union. The Nazi occupational authorities in France arrested him in 1942, and he was sent to a concentration camp until 1943. He was released for a short while and returned to Lithuania, but was re-arrested in 1944 during the second Soviet occupation of Lithuania. This time he was sent to a concentration camp in Siberia and spent ten years there. His health was permanently impaired until his death in 1969. He was buried in Petrašiūnai Cemetery.[2]