The film begins with an unemployed youth, Ashok, who resides in a bus left as scrap. Aruna is the daughter of Chilakalapudi Zamindar, and she is caged under several restrictions. Moreover, her cousin, Shekar, conspires to marry her. Annoyed, Aruna escapes and moves into Ashok's bus as an orphan when they fall in love. Later, Ashok learns the actuality and forcibly carries her when she accuses him of betrayal. On his way back, he encounters an accident where he loses his memory. Meanwhile, Zamindar passes away, accrediting totality to Aruna under stanch Subbaiah. It begrudges Sekhar, who stays calm, sticking around Aruna for a shot. Besides, Rani, a plucky, lives with her mother, Durgamma, in a village. Once she spots & shelters wandering Ashok. Since he cannot know himself, Rani provides him with a new identity as Raja and tattoos it on his chest. The two crush and couple up, and God blesses them with a son. Anyhow, Aruna is still awaiting Ashok. Once, Raja landed in the city for a bank loan when burglars backstabbed him. Seriously injured Raja / Ashok is secured by Aruna when he regains his past but forgets Rani. Devastated, Rani moves in quest of her husband when Aruna shields her. Whereat, Rani is startled to see Raja as Aruna's fiancé. To clarify, one night, Rani walks to check Ashok's tattoo and confirms. Unfortunately, Shekar witnesses it and misleads Aruna, too. In that perplexity, Ashok gets a mental shock and collapses. Parallelly, Aruna mandates Subbaiah to expel Rani. Consequently, Durgamma arrives when Subbaiah detects her as the biological mother of Aruna, whom childless Zamindar adopted. Here, Shekar & Aruna denounce Rani, making Subbaiah divulge the actuality. So, Shekar clutches all and plats forced marriage with Aruna. At the same time, Ashok completely recovers and bars it. At last, Aruna dies while guarding Ashok. Finally, the movie ends with Aruna leaving her breath by uniting Ashok & Rani.
^Rao, Kolanu Brahmananda (5 February 1971). "చిత్ర జగత్: పవిత్ర బంధం" [Film World: Pavitra Bandham] (PDF). Zamin Ryot (in Telugu). p. 6. Retrieved 8 March 2022.