Title |
Year of publication |
Wallingford: the archaeological implications of development, Oxford |
1973 |
Oxfordshire Archaeological Unit Surveys
Excavations on the route of the M40 |
1973 |
Oxoniensia Special Volume
The Upper Thames Valley: an archaeological survey of the river gravels |
1974 |
Oxfordshire Archaeological Unit Surveys
Historic towns in Oxfordshire: a survey of the new county, Oxfordshire |
1974 |
Oxfordshire Archaeological Unit Surveys
Archaeology and agriculture: a survey of modern cultivation methods and the problems of assessing plough damage to archaeological sites |
1977 |
Oxfordshire Archaeological Unit Surveys
The excavation of an Iron Age settlement, Bronze Age ring-ditches and Roman features at Ashville Trading Estate, Abingdon (Oxfordshire), 1974-76 |
1978 |
CBA Research Report
Iron Age and Roman riverside settlements at Farmoor, Oxfordshire |
1979 |
CBA Research Report
Archaeology at Barton Court Farm, Abingdon, Oxfordshire |
1984 |
CBA Research Report
The Rollright Stones: megaliths, monuments, and settlement in the prehistoric landscape |
1988 |
English Heritage Archaeological Report
Archaeology on the Cambridgeshire County Farms Estate: a review of archaeological management on the estate |
1990 |
Cambridgeshire County Council
An Iron Age and Romano-British enclosed settlement at Watkins Farm, Northmoor, Oxon |
1990 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
Reading Business Park: a Bronze Age landscape |
1992 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
The prehistoric landscape and Iron Age enclosed settlement at Mingies Ditch, Hardwick-with-Yelford, Oxon |
1993 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
Excavations at Roughground Farm, Lechlade, Gloucestershire: a prehistoric and Roman landscape |
1993 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
The wetlands of Merseyside |
1994 |
Lancaster Imprints
The wetlands of Greater Manchester |
1995 |
Lancaster Imprints
The wetlands of north Lancashire |
1995 |
Lancaster Imprints
Excavations at the Devil's Quoits, Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire, 1972-3 and 1988 |
1995 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
In Harvey's House and in God's House: excavations at Eynsham Abbey 1991-3 |
1995 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
Lithics and landscape: archaeological discoveries on the Thames Water pipeline at Gatehampton Farm, Goring, Oxfordshire 1985-92 |
1995 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
Two Oxfordshire Anglo-Saxon Cemeteries: Berinsfield and Didcot |
1995 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
Transect through time: the archaeological landscape of the Shell North Western Ethylene Pipeline (English section) |
1996 |
Lancaster Imprints
The Archaeology of Lancashire: present state and future priorities |
1996 |
Lancaster University Archaeological Unit
The wetlands of Cheshire |
1997 |
Lancaster Imprints
Derwentcote Steel Furnace: an industrial monument in County Durham |
1997 |
Lancaster Imprints
Asthall, Oxfordshire: excavations in a Roman 'small town', 1992 |
1997 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
The Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Edix Hill (Barrington A), Cambridgeshire: excavations 1989-1991 and a summary catalogue of material from 19th century interventions |
1998 |
CBA Research Report
The Still, Peterborough: medieval remains between Cumbergate and Westgate |
1998 |
CCC AFU Monograph
The wetlands of Shropshire and Staffordshire |
1998 |
Lancaster Imprints
Excavations at Springhead Roman Town, Southfleet, Kent |
1998 |
OAU Occasional Paper
The Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Butler's Field, Lechlade, Gloucestershire. Volume 1: prehistoric and Roman activity and grave catalogue |
1998 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
Excavations at Larkwhistle Farm, Brimpton, Berkshire |
1999 |
OAU Occasional Paper
Excavations at Thatcham Northern Distributor Road, Berkshire |
1999 |
OAU Occasional Paper
Excavations at Duffield House, Woodley, Berkshire |
1999 |
OAU Occasional Paper
Excavations at Friar Street, Reading, Berkshire |
1999 |
OAU Occasional Paper
Excavations alongside Roman Ermin Street, Gloucesteshire and Wiltshire: the archaeology of the A419/417 Swindon to Gloucester road scheme |
1999 |
Oxford Archaeological Unit Report
Excavations at Barrow Hills, Radley, Oxfordshire. Volume 1: the Neolithic and Bronze Age monument complex |
1999 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
The lowland wetlands of Cumbria |
2000 |
Lancaster Imprints
Bremetenacum: excavations at Roman Ribchester 1980, 1989-90 |
2000 |
Lancaster Imprints
Excavations at The Paddock, Rectory Lane, Fringford |
2000 |
OAU Occasional Paper
Excavation of the medieval waterfront at King Stable Street, Eton, Berkshire |
2000 |
OAU Occasional Paper
Urban archaeological practice in Ireland |
2000 |
Oxford Archaeological Unit Strategic Reviews
Review of archaeological assessment and monitoring procedures in Ireland |
2000 |
Oxford Archaeological Unit Strategic Reviews
Excavations at Wyndyke Furlong, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, 1994 |
2000 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
Roman forts in the fylde: excavations at Dowbridge Close, Kirkham 1994 |
2000 |
University of Lancaster
Henry VIII's coastal artillery fort at Camber Castle, Rye, East Sussex |
2001 |
English Heritage Archaeological Report
The excavation of medieval and post-medieval remains at Poyle House, Berkshire |
2001 |
OAU Occasional Paper
Beaumont Palace and the White Friars: excavations at the Sackler Library, Beaumont Street, Oxford |
2001 |
OAU Occasional Paper
The excavation of a medieval rural settlement at the Pepper Hill Lane Electricity Substation, Northfleet, Kent |
2001 |
OAU Occasional Paper
Evaluation of archaeological decision-making processes and sampling strategies |
2001 |
Oxford Archaeological Unit Strategic Reviews
Excavations at Melford Meadows, Brettenham, 1994: Romano-British and early Saxon occupations |
2002 |
East Anglian Archaeology Report
Unpublished excavations in the Republic of Ireland, 1930-1997 |
2002 |
Oxford Archaeological Unit Strategic Reviews
The Hotties: excavation and building survey at Pilkington's No 9 Tank House, St Helens, Merseyside |
2002 |
Lancaster Imprints
Steeped in history: the alum industry of north-east Yorkshire |
2002 |
North York Moors National Park Authority
Excavations in the extramural settlement of Roman Alchester, Oxfordshire, 1991 |
2002 |
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
The excavation of a medieval manor house of the bishops of Winchester at Mount House, Witney, Oxfordshire, 1984-1992 |
2002 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
Gathering the people, settling the land: the archaeology of a middle Thames landscape, Anglo-Saxon to medieval |
2002 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
A late Iron Age farmstead and Romano-British site at Haddon, Peterborough |
2003 |
CCC AFU Monograph
The Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Worthy Park, Kingsworthy, near Winchester, Hampshire |
2003 |
Oxford University School of Archaeology Monograph
Lines in the landscape: cursus monuments in the Upper Thames Valley; excavations at the Drayton and Lechlade cursuses |
2003 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
Aelfric's Abbey: excavations at Eynsham Abbey, Oxfordshire, 1989-92 |
2003 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
Oxford before the University: the late Saxon and Norman archaeology of the Thames Crossing, the defences and the town |
2003 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
Thomas Telford's Holyhead Road: the A5 in North Wales |
2004 |
CBA Research Report
The Tower of London Moat: archaeological excavations 1995-9 |
2004 |
Historic Royal Palaces Monograph
Old Abbey Farm, Risley: building survey and excavation at a medieval moated site |
2004 |
Lancaster Imprints
Prehistoric and Romano-British settlement at Queen Elizabeth Square, Maidstone |
2004 |
OA Occasional Paper
Uffington White Horse and its Landscape: investigations at White Horse Hill, Uffington, 1989–95 and Tower Hill, Ashbury, 1993-4 |
2004 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
Green Park (Reading Business Park): Phase 2 excavations 1995. Neolithic and Bronze Age sites |
2004 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
Yarnton: Saxon and medieval settlement and landscape: results of excavations 1990-96 |
2004 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
Thornhill Farm, Fairford Gloucestershire: an Iron Age and Roman pastoral site in the Upper Thames Valley |
2004 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
Gravelly Guy, Stanton Harcourt: the development of a prehistoric and Romano-British community |
2004 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
Archaeology of the Jubilee Line extension: prehistoric and Roman activity at Stratford Market Depot, West Ham, London, 1991-1993 |
2005 |
Museum of London Archaeology Service
Kilkenny city walls: conservation plan |
2005 |
Oxford Archaeology Strategic Reviews
Barentin's Manor: excavations of the moated manor at Harding's Field, Chalgrove, Oxfordshire 1976-9 |
2005 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
Landscape evolution in the middle Thames Valley: Heathrow Terminal 5 excavations. Volume 1: Perry Oaks |
2006 |
Framework Archaeology Monograph
The Tower of London New Armouries project |
2006 |
OA Occasional Paper
Late Bronze Age ritual and habitation on a Thames Eyot at Whitecross Farm, Wallingford: the archaeology of the Wallingford Bypass 1986-92 |
2006 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
Edward III's round table at Windsor |
2007 |
Arthurian Studies
Fairfield Park: later prehistoric settlement in the eastern Chilterns |
2007 |
Bedfordshire Archaeology Monograph
The archaeology of the A1(M) Darrington to Dishforth DBFO road scheme |
2007 |
Lancaster Imprints
A&G Murray and the cotton mills of Ancoats |
2007 |
Lancaster Imprints
Excavations of medieval and early post-medieval features at 90-93 Broad St, Reading, and the excavation of medieval pits and a probable 16th- to 17th-century tavern or inn at 7-8 Broad St, Reading Berkshire, 2002 |
2007 |
OA Occasional Paper
A Roman rural landscape at Kempsford Quarry, Gloucestershire |
2007 |
OA Occasional Paper
From stadium to station: Rewley Abbey and Rewley Road Station, Oxford |
2007 |
OA Occasional Paper
Recent developments in research and management at World Heritage Sites |
2007 |
OA Occasional Paper
Archaeology in Bath: excavations at the New Royal Baths (the Spa), and Bellott's Hospital 1998-1999 |
2007 |
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
Death and taxes: the archaeology of a Middle Saxon estate centre at Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire |
2007 |
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
Newtown Jerpoint, County Kilkenny: conservation plan |
2007 |
Oxford Archaeology Strategic Reviews
A slice of rural Essex: archaeological discoveries from the A120 between Stansted Airport and Braintree |
2007 |
Oxford Wessex Monograph
Excavations at Radley Barrow Hills, Radley, Oxfordshire. Volume 2: the Romano-British cemetery and Anglo-Saxon settlement |
2007 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
Iron Age and Roman settlement in the Upper Thames Valley: excavations at Claydon Pike and other sites within the Cotswold Water Park |
2007 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
The Thames through time: the early historical period. Rome and the Anglo-Saxons in the Thames Valley c AD 1-1000 |
2007 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
Settlement on the Bedfordshire Claylands: archaeology along the A421 Great Barford Bypass |
2008 |
Bedfordshire Archaeology Monograph
A late Iron Age farmstead and Romano-British site at Haddon, Peterborough |
2008 |
CCC AFU Monograph
Ely wares |
2008 |
East Anglian Archaeology Report
From hunter gatherers to huntsmen: a history of the Stansted landscape |
2008 |
Framework Archaeology Monograph
Norton Priory: monastery to museum excavations, 1970-87 |
2008 |
Lancaster Imprints
The Roman roadside settlement at Westhawk Farm, Ashford, Kent. Excavations 1998-9 |
2008 |
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
‘Safe Moor’d in Greenwich Tier’: a study of the skeletons of Royal Navy sailors and marines excavated at the Royal Hospital |
2008 |
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
Life and Death in a Roman city: excavation of a Roman cemetery with a mass grave at 120-122 London Road, Gloucester |
2008 |
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
The archaeology of the M6 Toll 2000-2003 |
2008 |
Oxford Wessex Archaeology Monograph
Saved from the grave: Neolithic to Saxon discoveries at Spring Road municipal cemetery, Abingdon, Oxfordshire |
2008 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
The Carlisle Millennium Project: excavations in Carlisle 1998-2001. Volume 1: stratigraphy |
2009 |
Lancaster Imprints
The Carlisle Millennium Project: excavations in Carlisle 1998-2001. Volume 2: finds |
2009 |
Lancaster Imprints
Appleford's earliest farmers: archaeology at Appleford Sidings, Oxon, 1993-2000 |
2009 |
OA Occasional Paper
Archaeology in the park: excavations at Jennett's Park, Bracknell, Berkshire |
2009 |
OA Occasional Paper
Between villa and town: excavations of a Roman roadside settlement and shrine at Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire |
2009 |
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
‘In the vaults beneath’: archaeological recording at St George's Church, Bloomsbury |
2009 |
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
The Thames through time: the first foundations of modern society in the Thames Valley, 1500 BC - AD 50 |
2009 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
Excavations at Taplow Court, Buckinghamshire: a late Bronze Age and Iron hillfort |
2009 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
Farmers and Ironsmiths: prehistoric, Roman and Saxon settlement at land near Brandon Road, Thetford, Norfolk, 2002 |
2010 |
East Anglian Archaeology Report
Landscape evolution in the middle Thames Valley: Heathrow Terminal 5 excavations, volume 2 |
2010 |
Framework Archaeology Monograph
Neolithic to Saxon social and environmental change at Mount Farm, Berinsfield, Dorchester-on-Thames |
2010 |
OA Occasional Paper
Castle Hill and its landscape: archaeological investigations at the Wittenhams, Oxfordshire |
2010 |
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
The late Roman cemetery at Lankhills, Winchester, excavations 2000-2005 |
2010 |
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
Evolution of a farming community in the Upper Thames Valley: excavation of a prehistoric, Roman and post-Roman landscape at Cotswold Community, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire |
2010 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
Carlisle: excavations at Rickergate, 1998-9 and 53-55 Botchergate, 2001 |
2011 |
Cumbria Archaeological Research Report
Archaeology of the Newland: excavations in King's Lynn, Norfolk 2003-5 |
2011 |
East Anglian Archaeology Report
Life and afterlife at Duxford, Cambridgeshire: archaeology and history in a chalkland community |
2011 |
East Anglian Archaeology Report
Bewsey Old Hall, Warrington, Cheshire: excavations 1977-81 and 1983-5 |
2011 |
Lancaster Imprints
Excavations in North-West Kent, 2005-2007: one hundred thousand years of human activity in and around the Darent Valley |
2011 |
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
Winchester, a city in the making: archaeological excavations between 2002-2007 on the sites of Northgate House, Staple Gardens and the former Winchester Library, Jewry St |
2011 |
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
‘Finished labour of a thousand hands’: the archaeology of the Combe Down Stone Mines, Bath, Somerset |
2011 |
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
From Mesolithic to motorway: the archaeology of the M1 (Junction 6A-10) widening scheme |
2011 |
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
Trade and prosperity, war and poverty: an archaeological and historical investigation into Southampton's French Quarter |
2011 |
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
Historic landscape characterisation in Ireland: best practice guidance |
2011 |
Oxford Archaeology Strategic Reviews
Settling the Ebbsfleet Valley: High Speed 1 excavations at Springhead and Northfleet, Kent, the late Iron Age, Roman, Saxon and medieval landscape. Volume 1: the sites |
2011 |
Oxford Wessex Archaeology Monograph
Settling the Ebbsfleet Valley: High Speed 1 excavations at Springhead and Northfleet, Kent, the late Iron Age, Roman, Saxon and medieval landscape. Volume 2: late Iron Age to Roman finds reports |
2011 |
Oxford Wessex Archaeology Monograph
Settling the Ebbsfleet Valley: High Speed 1 excavations at Springhead and Northfleet, Kent, the late Iron Age, Roman, Saxon and medieval landscape. Volume 3: late Iron Age to Roman human remains and environmental reports |
2011 |
Oxford Wessex Archaeology Monograph
Settling the Ebbsfleet Valley: High Speed 1 excavations at Springhead and Northfleet, Kent, the late Iron Age, Roman, Saxon and medieval landscape. Volume 4: Saxon and later finds and environmental reports |
2011 |
Oxford Wessex Archaeology Monograph
On Track: the archaeology of High Speed 1 Section 1 in Kent |
2011 |
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
The Thames through time: the archaeology of the gravel terraces of the Upper and Middle Thames. Early prehistory to 1500 BC |
2011 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
The Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Butler's Field, Lechlade, Gloucestershire. Volume 2: the Anglo-Saxon grave goods, specialist reports, phasing and discussion |
2011 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
Cirencester before Corinium: excavations at Kingshill North, Cirencester, Gloucestershire |
2011 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
Yarnton: Iron Age and Romano-British Settlement and Landscape. Results of Excavations 1990-98 |
2011 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
Cockermouth, Cumbria: archaeological investigation of three burgage plots in Main Street |
2012 |
Cumbria Archaeological Research Report
Extraordinary inundations of the sea: excavations at Market Mews, Wisbech |
2012 |
East Anglian Archaeology Report
Cairns, fields and cultivation: archaeological landscapes of the Lake District uplands |
2012 |
Lancaster Imprints
A road through the past: archaeological discoveries on the A2 Pepperhill to Cobham road-scheme in Kent |
2012 |
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
Landscape and prehistory of the east London Wetlands: investigations along the A13 DBFO road scheme, Tower Hamlets, Newham and Barking and Dagenham, 2000-2003 |
2012 |
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
London Gateway: Iron Age and Roman salt making in the Thames Estuary. Excavation at Stanford Wharf Nature Reserve, Essex |
2012 |
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
Longbridge Deverill Cow Down: An Early Iron Age Settlement in West Wiltshire |
2012 |
Oxford University School of Archaeology Monograph
A late Saxon village and medieval manor: excavations at Botolph Bridge, Orton Longueville, Peterborough, 1987 and 1999-2000 |
2013 |
East Anglian Archaeology Report
The wetlands of south west Lancashire |
2013 |
Lancaster Imprints
Early landscapes of West and North Yorkshire: archaeological investigation along the Asselby To Pannal Natural Gas Pipeline 2007-8 |
2013 |
Lancaster Imprints
Scots Dyke to Turnpike: the archaeology of the A66, Greta Bridge to Scotch Corner |
2013 |
Lancaster Imprints
The Iron Age and Roman landscape of Marston Vale: investigations along the A421 Improvements, M1 Junction 13 to Bedford |
2013 |
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
The Ebbsfleet elephant: excavations at Southfleet Road, Swanscombe in advance of High Speed 1, 2003-4 |
2013 |
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
Thames Holocene: A geoarchaeological approach to the investigation of the river floodplain for High Speed 1, 1994–2003 |
2013 |
Oxford Wessex Archaeology Monograph
Under the Oracle: excavations at the Oracle Shopping Centre site 1996-8. The medieval and post-medieval urban development of the Kennet floodplain in Reading |
2013 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
Prehistoric settlement in the Lower Kennet Valley: excavations at Green Park (Reading Business Park) Phase 3 and Moores Farm, Burghfield, Berkshire |
2013 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
Opening the wood, making the Land: the Archaeology of a Middle Thames Landscape. The Eton College Rowing Course Project and the Maidenhead, Windsor and Eton Flood Alleviation Scheme. Volume 1: Mesolithic to early Bronze Age |
2013 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
Excavations at Zeugma conducted by Oxford Archaeology |
2013 |
The Packard Humanities Institute
Given to the Ground’: a Viking-age mass grave on Ridgeway Hill, Weymouth |
2014 |
Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph
‘Down to Weymouth town by Ridgeway’: prehistoric, Roman and later sites along the Weymouth Relief Road |
2014 |
Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph
Shadows in the sand: excavation of a Viking-Age cemetery at Cumwhitton |
2014 |
Lancaster Imprints
Archaeology at the waterfront. Volume 1: Liverpool Docks |
2014 |
Lancaster Imprints
The archaeology of Banbury Flood Alleviation Scheme, Oxfordshire: Neolithic and Roman occupation in the Cherwell Valley |
2014 |
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
Broughton, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire: the evolution of south Midlands landscape |
2014 |
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
Remember me to all': the archaeological recovery and identification of soldiers who fought and died in the Battle of Fromelles, 1916 |
2014 |
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
Solent-Thames research framework for the historic environment: resource assessments and research agendas |
2014 |
Oxford Wessex Archaeology Monograph
Penrith: the historic core. Excavation and standing building surveys |
2015 |
Cumbria Archaeological Research Report
Excavations along the M25: prehistoric, Roman and Anglo-Saxon activity between Aveley and Epping, Essex |
2015 |
Essex Society for Archaeology and History Occasional Papers
Digging at the Gateway: archaeological landscape of South Thanet. The archaeology of East Kent Access (Phase II). Volume 1: the sites |
2015 |
Oxford Wessex Archaeology Monograph
Digging at the Gateway: archaeological landscape of South Thanet. The archaeology of East Kent Access (Phase II). Volume 2: the finds, environmental and dating reports |
2015 |
Oxford Wessex Archaeology Monograph
The changing face of London: historic buildings and the Crossrail route |
2016 |
Crossrail Archaeology Series
From Brunel to British Rail: the railway heritage of the Crossrail route |
2016 |
Crossrail Archaeology Series
New frontier: the origins and development of West London |
2016 |
Crossrail Archaeology Series
The production and distribution of medieval pottery in Cambridgeshire |
2016 |
East Anglian Archaeology Series
Lost landscapes of Palaeolithic Britain |
2016 |
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
A Roman villa and other Iron Age and Roman discoveries at Bredon's Norton, Fiddington and Pamington along the Gloucester Security of Supply pipeline |
2016 |
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
Yarnton: Neolithic and Bronze Age settlement and landscape |
2016 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
From Blackfriars to Bankside: medieval and later riverfront archaeology along the route of Thameslink, central London |
2016 |
Thameslink Monograph
The Horningsea Roman pottery industry in context |
2017 |
East Anglian Archaeology Series
From bridgehead to brewery: the medieval and post-medieval archaeological remains from Finzel's Reach, Bristol |
2017 |
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
Horcott Quarry, Fairford and Arkell's Land, Kempsford: prehistoric, Roman and Anglo-Saxon settlement and burial in the Upper Thames Valley in Gloucestershire |
2017 |
Thames Valley Landscapes
Living and dying in Southwark 1587-1831: excavations at Cure's College Burial Ground, Park Street |
2017 |
Thameslink Monograph
Footprints from the past. The south-eastern extra-mural settlement of Roman Alchester and rural occupation in its hinterland: The archaeology of East West Rail Phase 1
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
Excavations at Wixoe Roman small town, Suffolk
East Anglian Archaeology Series
Gill Mill. Later prehistoric landscape and a Roman nucleated settlement in the lower Windrush Valley near Witney, Oxfordshire
Thames Valley Landscapes
From Mesolithic encampment to medieval estate: The archaeology of the Bay Gateway
Lancaster Imprints
Woodford, the archaeology of a landscape and aerodrome
Greater Manchester’s Past Revealed
Architecture, burial and reform: the Upper Brook Street Unitarian chapel, Manchester
Greater Manchester’s Past Revealed
Conquering the claylands: Excavations at Love’s Farm, St Neots, Cambridgeshire
East Anglian Archaeology series
In the shadow of Corinium: Prehistoric and Roman occupation at Kingshill South, Cirencester, Gloucestershire
Thames Valley Landscapes
Berryfields. Iron Age settlement and a Roman bridge, field system and settlement along Akeman Street near Fleet Marston, Buckinghamshire
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
Torre Abbey, Devon: The archaeology of the Premonstratensian abbey
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
Cutacre. Excavating a prehistoric, medieval and post-medieval landscape
Greater Manchester’s Past Revealed
Yeoman farmers and handloom weavers: the archaeology of the Kingsway Business Park
Greater Manchester’s Past Revealed
Rectory Farm, Godmanchester: excavations 1988–1995, Neolithic monument to Roman villa farm
East Anglian Archaeology Series
Excavations at Oxford Castle 1999–2009
Thames Valley Landscapes
A bath house, settlement and industry on Roman Southwark’s North Island. Excavations along the route of Thameslink Borough Viaduct and at London Bridge Station
OAPCA Thameslink Monograph
Roman and medieval Carlisle: the northern Lanes, excavations 1978 82. Volume 1: the Roman period
Lancaster Imprints
St Michael's Church, Workington, excavation of an early medieval cemetery
Lancaster Imprints
Brothers Minor: Lancashire's Lost Franciscans: Investigations at Preston Friary 1991 and 2007
Lancaster Imprints
Excavations at Stoke Quay, Ipswich. Southern Gipeswic and the parish of St Augustine
East Anglian Archaeology Series
The archaeology of Oxford in the 21st century: Investigations in the city by Oxford Archaeology, 2006-2016
Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society Occasional Paper
Bridging the past: Life in medieval and post-medieval Southwark. Excavations along the route of Thameslink Borough Viaduct and at London Bridge Station
OAPCA Thameslink Monograph
Prehistoric Ebbsfleet: Excavations and research in advance of High Speed 1 and South Thameside Development Route 4, 1989-2003
Oxford Wessex Archaeology Monograph
The Castle Hill Brickworks and Somerhill Estate. Post-medieval discoveries on the A21 Tonbridge-to-Pembury Dualling Scheme, Kent
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
London Gateway. Settlement, farming and industry from prehistory to the present in the Thames Estuary. Archaeological investigations at DP World London Gateway Port and Logistics Park, Essex, and on the Hoo Peninsula, Kent
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
Farmers and Weavers: Investigation at Kingsway Business Park and Cutacre Country Park, Greater Manchester
Lancaster Imprints
The patients’ story. Dr Radcliffe's legacy in the age of hospitals. Excavations at the 18th–19th century Radcliffe Infirmary Burial Ground, Oxford
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
The early medieval monastic site at Dacre, Cumbria
Lancaster Imprints
Harpole: The landscape of a Roman villa at Panattoni Park, Northamptonshire
Oxford Archaeology Monograph
Roman and medieval Carlisle. The Northern Lanes, volume two: The medieval and post-medieval periods
Lancaster Imprints