The episode's main challenge has the remaining contestants roast former contestants who were named Miss Congeniality: Heidi N Closet, Nina West, and Valentina. Kandy Muse wins the main challenge, and Utica Queen is eliminated from the competition.
For the episode's mini-challenge, the contestants pair up and star in a live makeup tutorial on how to take a glamorous selfie. Kandy Muse and Rosé win the mini-challenge.
On the runway, Gottmik, Kandy Muse, and Rosé receive positive critiques. Kandy Muse is declared the winner of the challenge. Olivia Lux, Symone, and Utica Queen receive negative critiques, with Olivia Lux being deemed safe. Symone and Utica Queen place in the bottom and face off in a lip-sync to "No Tears Left to Cry" (2018) by Ariana Grande. Utica Queen is eliminated from the competition.
In Screen Rant's 2022 overview of the show's ten "most shocking" comedy roast performances, Jim Elauria said Utica Queen's roast was "littered with eyebrow-raising and controversial jokes".[5] Utican Queen apologized for some of her comments about weight.[6]