Synadia develops and provides support for NATS. NATS was originally developed by Derek Collison as the messaging control plane for Cloud Foundry and was written in Ruby. NATS was later ported to Go.
The NATS server is often referred to as either 'Core NATS' or NATS with 'JetStream'.
'Core NATS' is the set of core NATS functionalities and qualities of service.
'JetStream' is the (optionally enabled) built-in persistence layer that adds streaming, queues, at-least-once and exactly-once delivery guarantees, historical data replay, decoupled flow-control and key/value store functionalities to Core NATS.[3] JetStream replaced the old STAN (NATS Streaming) approach.[5]
Below is a sample connection string from a telnet connection to the site:[6]
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
INFO {"server_id":"NBNKM5RD3ASV4Y5477OWILGIM2QBGQBUMKRN6KMVAVBZUHH3TT4UY4ME","server_name":"us-south-nats-demo","version":"2.10.21","proto":1,"git_commit":"d3a8868","go":"go1.22.7","host":"","port":4222,"headers":true,"tls_available":true,"max_payload":1048576,"jetstream":true,"client_id":2459,"client_ip":"2603:8080:1e40:11f7:f803:94a6:b316:3c92","nonce":"IWPqQqkaegCpyKI","xkey":"XCT6FPQKQ7MX7YW2KIHRHAIQ6EHXBSCNKQWYIPAD2VOZZGZRQATXBAPR"}