The story is about a nuclear family consisting of a mother named Clara, a daughter, Jewel, a brother named Joekuttan, and a father named Joseph. They love each other and are engaged in each other's activities.
Jewel is a new-age girl with open, positive relationships, but Clara is a conventional mother who is always on the lookout to find fault with her daughter and trying to correct her in every way she can. Jewel is going through a lot of age things and finds difficulty to tell this to her parents that she wants to be alone, do what she wants, but her mother does not agree and thinks Jewel might get onto the wrong path.
Meanwhile, her dad buys her a brand new computer for her to enjoy herself and Jewel befriends a fashion designer through chatting, who calls himself Amir. They make a mutual agreement not to ask for each other's true identity. Jewel starts sharing her problems with Ameer, and he gives her suggestions and advice. Slowly Jewel starts behaving well with everyone and everyone is happy as well as surprised at her change.
After a while, Jewel starts believing that she is in love with Amir and tells this to her friend Rahul who has a crush on her. Heartbroken, Rahul shares the news with his parents as well as Jewel's. Her parents first try to stop this relationship but, fearing that she might take any wrong step, they tell her that they want to meet Ameer. Ameer fixes a date to meet her family, but on that day he does not turn up. A priest named Fr. Felix comes to their home that day with a CD of Ameer's voice in which he tells her that he is bedridden and is counting his last days. Fr. Felix informs them that Ameer is no more.
Jewel is shattered by this news but recovers soon and marries Rahul. In the last scene of the movie, everyone goes to Felix's orphanage and there we see Amir who watches them from a distance and tells Felix that it was a good decision to tell them that he is dead.