Mandi is a large village in Phillaur tehsil of JalandharDistrict of PunjabState, India. The village is administrated by Sarpanch Jarnail Singh Dhillon (also elected as block samiti pardhan of nearby 5 villages) who is elected representative of the village. It is 1 km away from census town and postal head office Apra. The village is 47.3 km from Jalandhar, 15 km from Phillaur and 117 km away from state capital Chandigarh.
The village has schedule caste (SC) constitutes 38.00% of total population of the village followed by 35.00 % of jatt tribe most of them are Dhillon and it doesn't have any Schedule Tribe (ST) population.
The village has 3 Punjabi Medium, Co-educational primary schools (Govt. Primary School)[2] The nearest high school (D.A.V Senior Secondary High School Mandi) is located 0.2 km and government high school is 1.5 km in Apra.
The nearest train station is situated 15 km away in Goraya and Ludhiana Jn Railway Station is 31 km away from the village.