Following the 2008 season, ESPN discontinued MLS Primetime Thursday, citing lagging ratings[1] and hoping to find better lead-in programming. It was replaced by the MLS Game of the Week, which rotates among a variety of nights and time slots.[2]
ESPN left all MLS televising duties after the 2022 MLS season, of which games are mainly shown via streaming on MLS Season Pass.[3]
Ratings have largely remained steady if stagnant despite the move from the regular time slot. Viewership averaged 299,000 per broadcast in 2009, up from 253,000 in 2008;[4] however, it dipped to 253,000 in 2010 before rebounding to 291,000 in 2011[5] with some matches (having been moved to ESPN as opposed to ESPN2) drawing over 600,000 viewers.