El gallo
the rooster
El que le cantó a San Pedro no le volverá a cantar.
The one that sang for St. Peter will never sing for him again.
El diablito
the little Devil
Pórtate bien cuatito, si no te lleva el coloradito.
Behave yourself buddy, or the little red one will take you away.
La dama
the lady
Puliendo el paso, por toda la calle real.
Improving her gait, all along the main street.
El catrín
the dandy
Don Ferruco en la alameda, su bastón quería tirar.
Sir Ferruco in the poplar grove, wanted to toss away his cane.
El paraguas
the umbrella
Para el sol y para el agua.
For the sun and for the rain.
La sirena
the mermaid
Con los cantos de sirena, no te vayas a marear.
Don't be swayed by the songs of the siren. (In Spanish, sirens and mermaids and their song are synonymous.)
La escalera
the ladder
Súbeme paso a pasito, no quieras pegar brinquitos.
Ascend me step by step, don't try and skip.
La botella
the bottle
La herramienta del borracho.
The tool of the drunk.
El barril
the barrel
Tanto bebió el albañil, que quedó como barril.
So much did the bricklayer drink, he ended up like a barrel.
El árbol
the tree
El que a buen árbol se arrima, buena sombra le cobija.
He who nears a good tree, is blanketed by good shade.
El melón
the melon
Me lo das o me lo quitas.
Give it to me or take it from me.
El valiente
the brave man
Por qué le corres cobarde, trayendo tan buen puñal.
Why do you run, coward? Having such a good blade too.
El gorrito
the little bonnet
Ponle su gorrito al nene, no se nos vaya a resfriar.
Put the bonnet on the baby, lest he catch a cold.
La muerte
La muerte tilica y flaca.
Death, thin and lanky.
La pera
the pear
El que espera, desespera.
He who waits despairs. (A pun: espera "waits" and es pera "is a pear" are homophones in Mexican Spanish.)
La bandera
the flag
Verde blanco y colorado, la bandera del soldado.
Green, white, and red, the flag of the soldier.
El bandolón
the mandolin
Tocando su bandolón, está el mariachi Simón.
There playing his lute, is Simon the mariachi.
El violoncello
the cello
Creciendo se fue hasta el cielo, y como no fue violín, tuvo que ser violoncello.
Growing it reached the heavens, and since it wasn't a violin, it had to be a cello.
La garza
the heron
Al otro lado del río tengo mi banco de arena, donde se sienta mi chata pico de garza morena.
At the other side of the river I have my sand bank, where sits my darling short one, with the beak of a great blue heron.
El pájaro
the bird
Tu me traes a puros brincos, como pájaro en la rama.
You have me hopping here and there, like a bird on a branch.
La mano
the hand
La mano de un criminal.
The hand of a criminal.
La bota
the boot
Una bota igual que la otra.
A boot the same as the other.
La luna
the moon
El farol de los enamorados.
The street lamp of lovers.
El cotorro
the parrot
Cotorro cotorro saca la pata, y empiézame a platicar.
Parrot, parrot, stick out your claw and begin to chat with me.
El borracho
the drunkard
A qué borracho tan necio ya no lo puedo aguantar.
Oh what an annoying drunk, I can't stand him any more.
El negrito
the little black man
El que se comió el azúcar.
The one who ate the sugar.
El corazón
the heart
No me extrañes corazón, que regreso en el camión.
Do not miss me, sweetheart, I'll be back by bus.
La sandía
the watermelon
La barriga que Juan tenía, era empacho de sandía.
The swollen belly that Juan had, was from eating too much watermelon.
El tambor
the drum
No te arrugues, cuero viejo, que te quiero pa' tambor.
Don't you wrinkle, dear old leather, since I want you for a drum.
El camarón
the shrimp
Camarón que se duerme, se lo lleva la corriente.
The shrimp that slumbers is taken by the tides.
Las jaras
the arrows
Las jaras del indio Adán, donde pegan, dan.
The arrows of Adam the Indian, strike where they hit.
El músico
the musician
El músico trompas de hule, ya no me quiere tocar.
The rubber-lipped musician does not want to play for me anymore.
La araña
the spider
Atarántamela a palos, no me la dejes llegar.
Beat it silly with a stick, do not let it near me.
El soldado
the soldier
Uno, dos y tres, el soldado pa'l cuartel.
One, two and three, the soldier heads to the fort.
La estrella
the star
La guía de los marineros.
Sailor's guide.
El cazo
the saucepan
El caso que te hago es poco.
The attention I pay you is little. (A pun: caso "attention" and cazo "saucepan" are homophones in Mexican Spanish)
El mundo
the world
Este mundo es una bola, y nosotros un bolón.
This world is a ball, and we a great mob. (A pun: bola can mean both "ball, sphere" and "crowd, mob", bolón is a superlative with the latter meaning)
El Apache
the Apache
¡Ah, Chihuahua! Cuánto apache con pantalón y huarache.
Ah, Chihuahua! So many Apaches with pants and sandals.
El nopal
the prickly pear cactus
Al nopal lo van a ver, nomás cuando tiene tunas.
People go to see the prickly pear, only when it bears fruit.
El alacrán
the scorpion
El que con la cola pica, le dan una paliza.
He who stings with his tail, will get a beating.
La rosa
the rose
Rosita, Rosaura, ven que te quiero ahora.
Rosita, Rosaura, come, as I want you here now.
La calavera
the skull
Al pasar por el panteón, me encontré un calaverón.
As I passed by the cemetery, I came across a skull.
La campana
the bell
Tú con la campana y yo con tu hermana.
You with the bell and I with your sister.
El cantarito
the little water pitcher
Tanto va el cántaro al agua, que se quiebra y te moja las enaguas.
So often does the jug go to the water, that it breaks and wets your slip.
El venado
the deer
Saltando va buscando, pero no ve nada.
Jumping it goes searching, but it doesn't see anything. (A pun: venado "deer" sounds like ve nada "see nothing")
El Sol
the sun
La cobija de los pobres.
The blanket of the poor.
La corona
the crown
El sombrero de los reyes.
The hat of kings.
La chalupa
the canoe
Rema que rema Lupita, sentada en su chalupita.
Lupita rows as she may, sitting in her little boat.
El pino
the pine tree
Fresco y oloroso, en todo tiempo hermoso.
Fresh and fragrant, beautiful in any season.
El pescado
the fish
El que por la boca muere, aunque mudo fuere.
The one who dies by its mouth, even if he were mute. (In reference to a fish being hooked by its mouth, even though it doesn't utter a sound.)
La palma
the palm tree
Palmero, sube a la palma y bájame un coco real.
Palmer, climb the palm tree and bring me a coconut fit for kings. (Lit: "A royal coconut.
La maceta
the flowerpot
El que nace pa'maceta, no sale del corredor.
He who is born to be a flowerpot, does not go beyond the hallway.
El arpa
the harp
Arpa vieja de mi suegra, ya no sirves pa'tocar.
Old harp of my mother-in-law, you are no longer fit to play.
La rana
the frog
Al ver a la verde rana, qué brinco pegó tu hermana.
What a jump your sister gave, as she saw the green frog.