Benny Anthony Harley Mark "Godfava" Lawson Lowell Tucker Tommy Crosby Rick Holmes Rick Wellman Tyrone "Jungle Boogie" Williams Scottie Haskel John "Big Horn" Jones Carl "CJ" Jones Steve Colman Vernon McDonald Kevin "Kato" Hammond Boolah Roper Michael Baker Keith Holmes Reggie Thomas Diane Borg Dee Minor Kim Anderson William "Ju Ju" House Elmo Ivan Goff Bolg Stan Cooper Bennie Dancy Jr. Keith Holmes Glenn Ellis Milton "Go-Go Mickey" Freeman Michael Muse Scottie Haskel Bryant "Luther" Roberts Darrien Grice Roy Battle James "Son" Thomas Kent Wood Go-Go Bouncey Nathaniel Marshall Lucas Sr Chris Biondo Alonzo Robinson Bojak Larnell "Whitney" Carr Charles "Corleone" Garris Darien Towns
Little Benny & the Masters were a Washington, D.C.–based go-go band that was formed in 1984.