List of philosophers born in the 15th and 16th centuries
Philosophers born in the 15th and 16th centuries (and others important in the history of philosophy), listed alphabetically:
- Note: This list has a minimal criterion for inclusion and the relevance to philosophy of some individuals on the list is disputed.
- Isaac ben Judah Abravanel, (1437–1508)[1][2][3]
- Judah ben Isaac Abravanel, (c. 1460–c. 1535)[1][2]
- Alessandro Achillini, (1463–1512)
- Uriel Acosta, (1585–1640)
- Rodolphus Agricola, (1443–1485)[2]
- Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, (1436–1535)[2][3]*
- Leone Battista Alberti, (1404–1472)
- Yohanan ben Isaac Alemanno, (1433–1504)[2]
- Isaac ben Moses Arama, (1420–1494)[2]
- Jacobus Arminius, (1560–1609)[1]
- Francis Bacon, (1561–1626)[1][4]12[2][3]
- Domingo Báñez, (1528–1604)[1][2]
- Sebastiano Basso, (16th century)
- Gabriel Biel, (1425–1495)[2]
- Jean Bodin, (1530–1596)[1][4]12[2][3]
- Jakob Böhme, (1575–1624)[1][2]
- Giovanni Botero, (c. 1544–1617)
- Giordano Bruno, (1548–1600)[1][4]12[2][3]*
- Thomas Cajetan, (1469–1534)[1][4]12[2]
- John Calvin, (1509–1564)[1][4]2[2]
- Tommaso Campanella, (1568–1639)[1][4]12[2][3]
- Gerolamo Cardano, (1501–1576)[2]
- Andrea Cesalpino, (1519–1603)
- Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, (1486–1534)
- Pierre Charron, (1541–1603)[1][2]
- Ch'en Hsien-chang, (1428–1500)[1]
- Chiao Hung, (1540–1620)[1]
- John Comenius, (1592–1670)[4]12[2]
- Nicolaus Copernicus, (1473–1543)[4]12[2][3]
- Johannes Crellius, (1590–1633)
- Cesare Cremonini, (1550–1631)
- Jalal al-Din al-Dawani, (1426–1502)[2]
- Elijah Delmedigo, (1460–1497)[2][3]
- Joseph Solomon Delmedigo, (1484–1558)
- Denys the Carthusian (or Denys de Leeuwis), (1402–1471)[2]
- René Descartes, (1596–1650)[1][4]12[2]
- Guillaume du Vair, (1556–1621)[1]
- Desiderius Erasmus, (1466–1536)[1][4]12[2]
- Marsilio Ficino, (1433–1499)[1][4]12[2][3]*
- Robert Filmer, (1588–1653)[1][4]12[2]
- Robert Fludd, (1574–1637)[1][2]
- Pedro da Fonseca, (1528–1599)[1][2]
- Fujiwara Seika, (1561–1619)[2]
- Galileo Galilei, (1564–1642)[1][4]12[2][3]
- Pierre Gassendi, (1592–1655)[1][4]12[2][3]
- Rudolph Goclenius, (1547–1628)[1]
- Wawrzyniec Grzymala Goslicki (1530–1607)
- Hugo Grotius, (1583–1645)[1][4]12[2][3]
- Henricus Regius, (1598–1679)[2]
- Edward Herbert, 1st Baron Herbert of Cherbury, (1583–1648)[2]
- Abraham Cohen de Herrera (or Alonso Nunez de Herrera or Abraham Irira), (1562–1635)[2]
- Thomas Hobbes, (1588–1679)[1][4]12[2]
- Richard Hooker, (1554–1600)[2]
- John of St. Thomas (or Jean Poinsot), (1589–1644)[1][2]
- Joachim Jungius, (1587–1657)[2]
- Bartholomäus Keckermann, (1571–1609)[2]
- Johannes Kepler, (1571–1630)[1][2][3]*
- Isaac La Peyrère, (1596–1676)[1]
- Justus Lipsius, (1547–1606)[2][3]
- Liu Tsung-chou (or Ch'i-shan), (1578–1645)[1]
- Martin Luther, (1483–1546)[1][4]12[2]
- Niccolò Machiavelli, (1469–1527)[1][4]12[2][3]
- John Major (or John Mair), (1467–1550)[4]12[2]
- Juan de Mariana, (1536–1624)[1]
- Jacopo Mazzoni, (1548–1598)
- Bartolomé de Medina, (1527–1580)[1]
- Philipp Melanchthon, (1497–1560)[2]
- Marin Mersenne, (1588–1648)[1][2]
- Judah Messer Leon, (c. 1425 – c. 1495)[2]
- Mikyo Dorje (or Mi bskyod rdo rje), (1507–1554)[2]
- Muhammad Baqir Mir Damad (or Sayyid al-Afadil or Ishraq or Ibn al-Damad), (died 1631)[2]
- Luis de Molina, (1535–1600)[1][4]12[2]
- Michel de Montaigne, (1533–1592)[1][4]12[2][3]
- Thomas More, (1478–1535)[1][3]*
- Mulla Sadra, (1571–1640)[4]12[2]
- Nicholas of Cusa, (1401–1464)[1][4]12[2][3]*
- Agostino Nifo, (1470–1538)[2]
- Richard Overton, (c. 1599 – 1664)[2]
- Paracelsus, (1493–1541)[1][2]
- Francesco Patrizi da Cherso (or Franciscus Patritius) (1529–1597)[2][3]
- Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, (1463–1494)[1][4]12[2][3]*
- Pietro Pomponazzi, (1462–1525)[1][4]12[2][3]
- François Rabelais, (1493–1553)[2]
- Petrus Ramus, (1515–1572)[1][2][3]
- Raghunatha Siromani, (c. 1477–1547)
- Francisco Sanches, (1551–1623)[1][2]
- Julius Caesar Scaliger, (1484–1558)
- Michal Sedziwój, (1566–1636)
- John Selden, (1584–1654)[2]
- Francesco Silvestri (or Francis Sylvester of Ferrara), (1474–1528)[2]
- Sosan Hyujong, (1520–1604)[2]
- Domingo de Soto, (1494–1560)[1][2]
- Francisco Suárez, (1548–1617)[1][4]12[2][3]*
- Nicolaus Taurellus, (1547–1606)
- Bernardino Telesio, (1509–1588)[1][2][3]
- Teresa of Avila, (1515–1582)[1]
- Francisco Toledo, (1532–1596)[1][2]
- Lorenzo Valla, (1406–1457)[1][4]12[2][3]*
- Vallabhacharya, (1479–1531)[2]
- Vyasatirtha, (c. 1460–1539)
- Lucilio "Giulio Cesare" Vanini, (1585–1619)[1]
- Gabriel Vasquez, (1549–1604)[1]
- Nicoletto Vernia, (1442–1499)[2]
- Francisco de Vitoria, (1492–1546)[1][4]12[2]
- Juan Luís Vives, (1492–1540)[1][2]
- Wang Yangming, (1472–1529)[1][4]12[2]
- Thomas White, (1593–1676)[2]
- Yi Hwang (or Toegye) (1501–1570)[2]
- Yi I (or Yi Yulgok or Yi Yi) (1536–1584)[2]
- Jacopo Zabarella, (1533–1589)[1][2][3]
See also
Notes and references