This is a list of open-source hardware projects, including computer systems and components, cameras, radio, telephony, science education, machines and tools, robotics, renewable energy, home automation, medical and biotech, automotive, prototyping, test equipment, and musical instruments.
Monome 40h – reconfigurable grid of 64 backlit buttons, used via USB; a limited batch of 500 was produced; all design process, specifications, firmware, and PCB schematics are available online
PinePhone – developed by computer manufacturerPine64, intended for allowing the user to have full hardware and software control over the device, released as of end-2019
Video electronics
Milkymist One – video synthesizer for interactive and dance-directed VJing
Sun SPOT – hardware–software platform for sensor networks and battery powered, wireless, embedded development
USRP – universal software radio peripheral is a mainboard with snap in modules providing software defined radio at different frequencies, has USB 2.0 link to a host computer
PowWow Power Optimized Hardware and Software FrameWork for Wireless Motes – hardware–software platform for wireless sensor networks
Twibright RONJA – free-space optic system, DIY in a garage and maker culture, 10 Mbit/s full duplex/1.4 km
RISC-V – an open-source hardware instruction set architecture (ISA)
MIPS – a reduced instruction set computer (RISC) instruction set architecture
Color Maximite – open-source single-board computer running the BASIC language as its operating system and compatible with Arduino Uno micro-controller peripherals
Freeduino – an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple I/O board and a development environment that implements the open source Processing / Wiring language. Also clones of this platform including Freeduino.
Tinkerforge – a platform comprising stackable microcontrollers for interfacing with sensors and other I/O devices
Rascal, an ARM based Linux board that works with Arduino shields, with a web server that includes an editor for users to program it in Python. Hardware design files released under the Creative Commons BY-SA license.
96Boards (includes but not limited to, DragonBoard 410c, HiKey, HiKey960, Bubblegum-96 and more...)
OpenCores, a loose community of designers that supports open-source cores (logic designs) for CPUs, peripherals and other devices. OpenCores maintains an open-source on-chip interconnection bus specification called Wishbone